Into My Lap

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"Yeah, I don't care, dad, fuck you!" I flip him the finger, ducking under one of his punches

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"Yeah, I don't care, dad, fuck you!" I flip him the finger, ducking under one of his punches. He had gotten me a few good times and my nose felt broken and my lip was bleeding, but I was fine.

"Get out! Get out! Get out you little bitch, and don't come back." He pointed to the door and I rushed out the door, laughing.

"Fuck you old man, and fuck your bitch ass wife." I point to my "mom" who watches from the upstairs window, I flip her off with both fingers, "It's not like you've ever done any fucking thing for me." I grunt kicking a rock as I start down the street.

I don't know where I was going but I know I was getting the fuck away from that house. I walked and walked for hours until it was late, I ended up somewhere downtown, and I was snapped out of my daze by someone yelling and they sounded drunk. I rushed toward the noise to find someone in the street, a beer bottle in his hand, "You and me! It's just you and me against the world!" He threw the bottle at the house and turned storming off, grabbing keys out of his pocket, turning to a small beat down car,

"No! No! You're way too drunk to drive." I laugh waving my arm, when I get up to him he stares at me for a minute before giving me the keys and giving me an address of a house on the southside of Chicago, "That's three hours away but okay," I start the car and turn the radio up, but keeping it low as he snuggles into the passenger seat, and closes his eyes.

On the way there we passed a couple fast food places, "Ugh, I'm hungry." I pull into a Checkers' parking lot and pat myself down, smiling when I pull out a twenty, I gently tap the guy awake, when it doesn't work I punch him in the arm, and he jolts awake,

"What? What? I don't have school today Fiona!" He looks at me and blinks for a solid minute, "You're not Fiona, who the hell are you?" He's startled and alarmed,

"Dude, calm down, please, I saved your ass. I don't need your story to pop up on a fucking drunk driving commercial, shit's terrible." He takes a deep breath, and looks around,

"Where are we going?" I pull into the drive-thru,

"Right now, we're getting some food, what do you want?"

I ordered the food and pulled out of Checkers, he took a bite of his burger and a sip of his drink as I dipped one of my fries into my BBQ sauce, "So...where the hell are we going?"

"To your house dude and then me, I have no clue." He looks at me,

"Stay the night at my house, if Frank's not there the couch should be open, then you can go home." I take a sip of my Doctor Pepper,

"Nah, I don't have a home, when my fucked up dad is gone and my bitch of a mother is gone I'm going to get my clothes and take their life savings and be gone in the wind,"

"No, fuck that. You, from how drunk I was, most likely saved my life, stay with me a couple days until you get back onto your feet, or resolve things with your parents, you won't have to repay me, it's the Gallagher way." I smiled at him swerving into the left lane,


"Lip, I'm Lip." He sticks his hand out and I shake it, laughing,

"Short for Philip?"

"Yeah, but just call me Lip,"

"Yeah of course! I'm Y/N short for nothing but you could call me, Y/N/N, I only let people I trust call me Y/N/N so tread lightly." I playfully glare at him laughing,

"How long we got?"

"About an hour and a half left," He nods and takes another sip of his pop, turning the radio up, 

A New Kind Of Love {Lip Gallagher x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now