Hey, everyone this is Y/N and yada, yada

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"Okay, okay, so who wants to start?"

"I'll start," Ian pipes up, "Okay, okay, hello, Y/N, I'm Ian and I'm twenty, I'm gay as fuck and I don't care, this is my boyfriend, Mickey, uh, I like making new friends, and that's about it for me." I smile,

"Nice to, meet you, Ian," I laugh, "I think we'll get along swell,"

"Why?" He asks, "Gay best friend?"

"Something like that,"

"I guess I'll go," Debs smiles holding Liam, "I'm Debs, I'm 15, I like people who are nice and I like meeting hot guys, I hate people who are mean and fake," She smiles and I can tell she's been crossed before,

"Nice to meet you Debs and you don't have to worry, I'm neither fake or mean, I hate bitches like that too," I smile, giving her a wink, she smiles,

"You already me, I'm Carl, A.K.A White Chocolate, I make money and I pull bitches,"

"Okay, pull any lately?" He glares at me and I laugh, "I'll take that as a no, anyway, nice to meet you,"

"I'm Liam," Waves Liam, "I like cars and swinging on swings," I smile and wave at him, reaching out and tickling his stomach,

"Nice to meet you, Liam," He giggles and smiles a wide smile,

"Well, I'm Fi or Fiona, I'm like the mom around here, although I don't mind, I love all these jackasses-"


"Anyway, I'm a terrible dancer but I love to drink which always somehow leads me to dance," I laugh,

"I love you so much Fi," Everyone laughs,

"I guess I chip in, I'm Mick or Mickey, I'm very protective over my family and friends," I nod,

"You could cut the tension with a knife, no worries Mickey, I'm cool." He looks over at Ian who places his hand on his thigh,

"You can trust her, Lip does," Ian smiles at me and I smile back,

"The best for last, I'm Lip, I'm a family guy. I enjoy a drink or two, I enjoy female company, but I like to think of myself as a gentleman. Uh, anything else?"

"He's trustworthy," Fiona adds,

"This is not a Tinder bio guys," Lip blushes and I smile, taking another bite of my pancakes, chewing behind my hand,

"Anything you want to tell us?" I look at Carl, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand,

"Uh, well, I'm twenty, I turn twenty-one next weekend. I'm a college dropout, my name is Y/N, I like sleeping more than like anything else in the world, it's like death but it's not permanent, you know."

"I hear you there," Ian nodded at me and I turned to Lip, giving him a thumbs up, but he looked shocked and scared,

"Shit, Lip you know what I meant," I explain, "I just really like to sleep," I try to play it off with a soft pat on the back and a light chuckle,

"Yo, Y/N what you doing next weekend for your birthday?" Ian pipes up,

"Well, I'm taking out for dinner, then maybe we'll hit the bar it is your twenty-first after all," Lip smirks my way and I squeal,

"Yay! Drinks," Everyone laughs, including Mickey.

"How about we join?" Mickey throws his hands out,

Lip and I share a look, "Sure..."

"Why not."

A New Kind Of Love {Lip Gallagher x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now