A bed's a bed

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I pulled up in front of his house, and he gave me a look, laughing at how scared I looked, "What's wrong?"

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I pulled up in front of his house, and he gave me a look, laughing at how scared I looked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't deal well with people and families, most definitely intimidate me," I look back to his house and he chews on his bottom lip,

"Don't be intimidated by my family, come on, I got your back Y/N/N," He nudges my shoulder and I giggle getting out of the car,

"Okay, but I don't want to go in, with dried blood around my mouth and around my nose," He reaches into the back and hands me a rag and a bottle of water, I pour the water onto the rag and I wipe my face, throwing the water bottle into the back and with the rag, "Okay, let's go." I smile and climb out the car, waiting for Lip to join me on my side of the car.

"Don't be scared."

We walk into the house and mind you it's like two in the morning, "Lip? What are you doing home?" A boy with cornrows asked as he counted some money,

"My friend brought me home, Carl this is Y/N, and Y/N this is my younger brother Carl." I wave and smile he nods,

"Hey baby girl, you trying to hook up or what?" I shake my head laughing,

"Thank you but I'm not trying to catch a case," He laughs and walks away,

"Ignore him, he thinks he's black," I laugh,

"Not anywhere close," Just then another kid bounces down the stairs,

"Is this your girlfriend?" Laughs a redheaded girl, as she grabs a water from the fridge,

"No," I laugh and Lip holds his hand to his heart,

"Well, why did you said it like that?"

"No offense! No offense!" I laugh,

"None was taken, none, Debs this is Y/N and Y/N this is Debs my younger sister."

"Nice to meet you," She rushes back upstairs,

"Debs, is Fi home?"

"Yes, Fiona is here!" A girl bounces down the stairs, hair tied up in a towel, a towel wrapped around her body, "Shit, I wasn't informed of the company, sorry." I wave her off,

"Fi, this is Y/N, do you mind if she sleeps on the couch?"

"No, no, of course not, go get her a blanket," Lip rushes up the stairs leaving me with Fiona,

"Soooo, you and Lip?" I shake my head no,

"No, no, no, no, I just saved his ass from being a victim of drunk driving,"

"Ooh, well, thanks for that," She laughs reaching into the fridge for a beer, "Drinking, sometimes a Gallaghers breakfast, lunch, and dinner." I smile awkwardly at her, "I take it you're not a people's person?" I nod my head, scratching the back of my neck,

"Ian's not home, you can go sleep in my bed and I'll sleep in Ian's room. My room is upstairs last room in the hall, you can go on up." He nods upstairs and I stop looking at him, "Go, I'll be up there to check up on you in a few." I reluctantly go upstairs and go into his room, I plop onto his bed and I kick my shoes off and lay back on his bed,

"Fuck man," I sigh, sitting up, fighting back tears, "Nothing ever goes right." I lay back on the bed, pulling a pillow over my face screaming into it,

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Lip comes in and sits next to me on the bed,


"You're crying and screaming into a pillow, something has to be wrong."

"Look, I haven't even known you for a day, I'm really thankful for you taking me in and letting me sleep here, but you haven't unlocked tragic background story yet,"

"Okay, I respect that, maybe someday I could unlock tragic background story, goodnight Y/N/N," I laugh throwing a pillow at him,

"Get out, I'm tired." He stood up and walked out the room,

"Okay, okay, see you tomorrow,"

"See you tomorrow, Lip, goodnight." I got to go to bed tonight with a smile on myself, knowing someone was there for me tonight even in the smallest way.

A New Kind Of Love {Lip Gallagher x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now