Quite Frankly a rude awakening

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I woke up to shouting, "Frank! I need you to shut the fuck up the kids are still upstairs sleeping," I heard Fiona yell frustrated when Frank yelled back I flinched,

"Y/N, are you okay?" Lip was watching me as I still laid on the bed, my eyes just closed, I opened them and looked at him,

"I'm fine," I promise but another yell of a man comes and I'm flinching, screwing my eyes shut, a tear slips past and I roll over onto my back, "The funny thing is I hate crying, I hate crying so much it makes me feel so weak inside." I laugh as I wipe my tears with the back of my hands,

"Don't feel weak, crying is normal," Another shout, "I'll be right back, Frank's probably shit faced as usual," He gets up and leaves, I roll over, hiding my face in the pillow as I hear a shout from Lip.

Lip's walking into the room shortly afterI heard him shout, "I had to punch him and push him out the house when he gets drunk, he acts like a fucking five-year-old." I raise my hand,

"I act the same way when I'm drunk." He shakes his head and laughs,

"One night I'll take you out and we'll have a blast, not until you're twenty-one though," He wags a finger at me before lighting a cigarette, and plopping down on the bed, next to me.

"I turn twenty-one next weekend, on the sixth,"

"Woah, you're a Scorpio?" I nod, "Okay, okay, look next weekend me and you, we're going out..."

"Yay, drinks." He shakes his head,

"No, we're going out to eat on a civilized date, me and you, where do you want to go?"

"Uh, I don't know." I laugh,

"Okay, okay, you like Red Lobster?"

"I've never been,"

"I mean we're way below the poverty line and we've been to Red Lobster, where have you been?" I look at him and his smile drops immediately, "Oh, yeah, sorry. Anyway, Y/N would you do me the honors of joining, I, Lip Gallagher, for a date next weekend?"

"Yes," I laugh, shaking my head,

"Yes!" He pumps his fist, "Now, come on," He opens the door and gestures for me to exit,

"Where are we going?"

"I want you to meet my family,"

"I've already met your family," He shook his head,

"No, you know their names, I want you to meet, meet them and I want them to meet, meet you because as if right now they most likely think we're banging each other,"

I laugh, "You're so cute when you laugh,"

"Stop it, Lip!"

"I'll stop if you get up and come downstairs to meet my family,"

"Fine," I hopped up from the bed and slipped on my sweats,

"Woah, you could've asked me to step out," He laughs covering his eyes,

"Dude chill it's just underwear," I stand behind him and wait for him to go, "You take lead, remember?" He nods and walks out, bouncing down the stairs, I follow him but as quietly as possible,

"You've been here two days, why the hell haven't I seen your face since you brought Lip home?" Fiona wags a playful finger at me and I try to hide behind Lip, "I can still see you!" I laugh stepping out,

"You're only seeing me today because Lip and I made a deal, well, sort of,"

"What's the deal, sweet thang?" I look at Carl and laugh, shaking my head,

"He wants me to get to know you guys, and I told him I'd be more than happy too if he stopped calling me cute," Everyone laughs, "Also, it's literally the least I could do for you letting me stay here,"

"Okay, so what do you want to know?" Debs asks sitting at the table, picking at her pancakes,

"Whatever you feel I should know in order for us to get along."

"Y/N, have a seat, I'll get you some food,"

"No, no I'm fine." I smile sitting down,

"Are you not hungry?" I don't say anything, I just pick with my fingers, "Are you hungry or not?" Lip asks, his voice gentle,

"Yeah, but, I don't want to eat you guy's food, it's enough you're letting me stay here, really,"

"Girl you tripping eat some food," Carl waved as he counted some money,

"Guys! I'm home!" A red head guy walks in, he looks in his late teens and there's a raven-haired guy following, he looks a couple years older than the red-head,

"I'm guessing this is Ian and his boyfriend Mickey," Both guys turn to me, and give me the same look,

"Who's this?"

"Mickey calm down this is Y/N, she's my friend, she's staying with us for a few days." I wave and Ian smiles, Mickey easing up once he realizes I'm okay,

"Anway, Y/N, do you like syrup on your pancakes?"

A New Kind Of Love {Lip Gallagher x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now