Breakfast In Bed

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I was woken up with a gentle shake from Lip, "Hey, Hey, Y/N, wake up, I brought you some food

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I was woken up with a gentle shake from Lip, "Hey, Hey, Y/N, wake up, I brought you some food." I woke up and blinked a few times,

"Food? A breakfast in bed?" I smile as I sit up to see him holding a plate of bacon and eggs, a cup of orange juice in the other hand,

"Yeah, breakfast in bed." He laughs, "I love how excited you get, never had breakfast in bed?" I shake my head no as I grab the plate from his hands, "Well, I've never given anyone breakfast in bed so cherry popped for both of us." He smiles and leaves me to eat, I don't know what he was doing but when he got back my plate was cleared and I was taking y last sip of juice when he reentered the room, "I was going to say eat up," I smiled and he laughed, "Don't be embarrassed, now get up, get your shoes on we have a big day ahead of ourselves."

"What are we going to do?"

"'We're going to get your shit."


I stood outside my house, "I don't know about this Lip, my mom's home and I don't want to see that bitch."

"Look, you can do this." I took a deep breath and walk up the stairs, pushing the door open, I see my mom in the kitchen washing the dishes,

"What the hell are you doing here? If Ronnie comes home to find you here, he'll beat you and your little boyfriend, and I won't stop him." I stare at her, blinking back tears,

"You're not worth my tears, I just want my clothes and I'll be on my way, tell Ronald I said, Fuck you," I spit racing up the stairs, I grab a duffle bag and instruct Lip to start packing clothes, I shove my clothes into the suitcase, leaving the room and coming back with an envelope of money.

"What's in that?"

"About five grand," I laugh throwing it into the suitcase and zipping it closed, "Let's go if Ronald comes back when we're here he will try to hit us," Lip scoffs,

"I can take a hit."

"'Yeah, I can too it's just after a few you get tired of it," He doesn't say anything else and we walk out the door leaving my mouth scolding at the back of our heads,

"Bye, bitch." She sneers,


"What was that all about?" I give Lip, a look as we lug my suitcase and duffle bag up the stairs of his house,

When we throw the suitcase and duffle bag onto the bed, I give him a look, "Oh, yeah, tragic background not unlocked." He puts his hands up in mock surrender and I smile at him,

"Good boy, I think we should go out tonight, I don't want to sit here and think above all that is wrong in my life,"

"I don't think you should drink right now, you're kind of unstable,"

"What do you mean?" I ask as I pick through my clothes pulling out a tan skirt and a white sweater,

"I mean you have a lot going on and you're not talking to anyone about it, I don't think you should get drunk, some things could spill and I don't want to unlock tragic background that way,"

"Maybe I know exactly how I am when I'm drunk and maybe it'd be easier when I'm drunk..." I trail off and he looks at me worried,

"I have some beers here if you're sure?"

"Got anything stronger?"

A New Kind Of Love {Lip Gallagher x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now