"I trust you..."

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Lip came back with a bottle of Bacardi 151, "Dude I said stronger not fucking rock compared to Hulk!"

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Lip came back with a bottle of Bacardi 151, "Dude I said stronger not fucking rock compared to Hulk!"

"A few shots of this and you'll be handing me the key and lock to tragic background story," He pours me a shot and hands it to me, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, but I don't want to do it drunk, Lip I'm saying something when I tell you in these last hours we've known each other, you give me this vibe, a vibe I haven't felt in a long time, I feel I can trust you and I need you to back that decision, because it's very hard for me to trust people," Lip nodded and I grabbed the shot, taking it,

"I thought you said-"

"'I'll be fine now, sit." I plop down onto his bed and he joins me, "Okay, my name is Y/N, I am 20 years old, I have abusive parents, my dad hits me and my mom knows and watches, worst thing is I could forgive it if he hit her too but he doesn't, he says it's all about choices and her choice is to be on his side. Uh, I've been sent to the hospital twice because of my dad hitting me, and that's it, there's more but that's super tragic background." I laugh, fanning my eyes,

"Shit, I think I need a shot for this." I smile,

"Yeah, a lot of shit has happened, but I don't like to complain about it because people have it worse."

"No! No, that's not fair, yes people have it worse but it's okay to vent to someone, it's not selfish, you're human, it's okay. If you need to vent to me about anything and I mean anything, I will be here,"

"Thanks, Lip, I'm tired though, can we talk about this in the morning?"

"There's nothing to talk about, you're parents are abusive, I kind of want to beat both their asses, and you know I'm here for you whenever. Goodnight, Y/N," He smiles as he opens the door ready to leave,

"Wait! Could you maybe sleep on the floor, I don't want to be alone in the room." I give him the duvet and I wrap myself in the sheets, "Or you could sleep in the bed, doesn't matter to me." He stays on the floor, I smile softly at how much of a gentleman he was, "Goodnight Lip,"

"Goodnight Y/N,"

A New Kind Of Love {Lip Gallagher x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now