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005. | ❛ i've heard of your work.

They both knew that he was putting himself in danger even seeking her out. He ran the minimum slight of danger with a radioactive material next to him, and with the supposed cure that she could find in the hands of Dr. Banner, she could t ask for Albert to give up his whole life for her.
It was the curse that she was given, and one that she had to face on her own.

On her long ride, she watched as the scenery changed from each passing state. How closed off from the world she was, that she took in every surrounding image and captured the moments with her eyes, keeping these memories locked up to remind her of the peace in the darkness. One point in the journey, she could've sworn that she saw deers prancing and it made her even softer towards the animals. The transition certainly from rural and city changed drastically, unseats of serif trees she saw a skyscrapers. While she was from California, where she lived particularly, they didn't have enormous buildings that towered over everyone, and one could imagine it would squash all of them like a giant.

Arriving as the sun was setting, she  could see the bright lights illuminating the city that never sleeps. A city had holds so much promise and holding the gold at the end of the rainbow; if everything went according to plan, she could get the cure to her mutant abilities.

The first thing on her agenda was to find the small loft that her mother once owed when she was younger. When her mother met her father, it was their first home and the sentimental memories and feelings that accompanied it was all the more reason to keep it in the family. Unlocking the door wasn't the hardest step, it was when she wandered it and uncovered boxes of memories from her parents and even some of her baby stuff. Pressing every trinket to her chest, she continued to make her way around her new living space that once symbolized her parents love. She stopped once she noticed the tallest skyscraper that was unforgettable in her memory: Avengers Tower.

Quickly as she could, she abandoned her loft and went in search of the band of heroes that could provide the liberation of her powers and a way back to her normal life. Mila went the furtherest of ways to get to her destination, surely finding out that taxis in New York City were a nuisance with only last ten blocks, she decided to make a run for it. The never ending blocks seemed to confuse her, yet the giant illuminating-A kept her on track. Once in front of it, she couldn't even take in the beauty and architecture of the divine building because her anxious desire to meet the one person would could change it all pushed her inside.

Finding her way in the building, she was frantically rushed to the elevator with random strangers dressed in rather elegant clothing compared to hers. The men that surrounded her were in tuxedos while the woman had dresses that fit them perfectly with a cake load of makeup on their faces. Mila looked down at her rather presentable dress, and patted it down and fixed the ends of her hair almost self consciously with the others around her.

Once the elevator dinged, the people inside it barged their way out and leaving Mila to tumble into the room with them. Catching her balance, she looked up and saw the magnificent party that surrounded her. Wandering in, almost zombie like, her head looked at every grand thing she saw. Never in her life had she attended a party so luxurious and divine.

Gulping at the situation she was in, she ventured out on finding Dr. Banner. With the insane amount of people in the room alone, she couldn't imagine how she would find him. Frantically, she shifted between going to the right or going to the left and she could've swore people were looking at her awkwardness. Finally, when Mila had decided that she wanted to go right, her clumsy persona bumped hard against a chest causing her to fumble backwards on her feet.

"I'm terribly sorry, Ma'am." The man said to her as he made sure that she was alright. "Are you okay?"

Once she looked up, she found herself in the presence of Captain America. Mila found herself in another situation where her words wouldn't come out of her mouth. She started to stutter and confusing Steve, to the point where she suspected that he thought she needed help.

"I don't understand. Do you need help?" He asked.

Mila choked out the rest of the words, making a complete sentence, "I'm Mila Jones.
I desperately need to find Dr. Banner, can you direct me to him?"

He nodded softly, "Certainly. I'm Steve Rogers."

"I know who you are, trust me. I wouldn't barge into an event like this without knowing who lives here. You're the Avengers." Mila exhaled as he guided her over Dr. Banner, who was casually on the couch with the others, sipping on their glasses and almost calmly looked at her as she was approaching.

"Bruce, there's a lady here for you." Steve announced gesturing over to Mila, who blushed at the attention directed to her.

Tony whistled, "Looks like the doctor does have game after all, who knew?"

Bruce stood up and made his way over to where Mila was standing, extending his arm out to her. Nervously, she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and shook his hand.

"I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. Not to be impolite, but who are you?"

All their eyes were focused on their conversation and she could see the small little whispers between some of them. "I'm Dr. Mila Jones. I came all the way from California to find you, Dr. Banner. I've heard of your work and was wondering if you can help me with a rather difficult discovery."

Bruce's eyes seemed to widen, "Dr. Jones, I've heard of your work and let me say that it's simply marvelous. Not to mention your parents, they were the best of the best. What may I help you with?"

Mila turned her back to the peanut gallery alongside Bruce, she whispered to him, "It's best if we talk in private."

"Is it urgent?" Bruce questioned.

Mila pleaded with him, still keeping her voice down low as they started to walk away from the group, "Dr. Banner, I tried to recreate an experiment of my parents and the equations were off. And what followed was a tragic accident that resulted in radioactive powers resulting in my hands."

Bruce tried to comprehend what Mila was saying, yet nothing linked up in his brain. "I don't understand, Dr. Jones. Radioactive powers? Is there such a thing?"

"Dr. Banner, you can turn into the Hulk in a fit of rage. How is this less logical?" Mila snapped and instantly wanted to take it back, "I'm so sorry, but please hear me out. I have these powers that I can't control and I heard that you could-"

A sudden blast of noise cut her off from her sentence as she could see a legion of robotic androids breaking and smashing through the walls and attacking the team.
Mila ducked for cover and saw them jump into action, knocking out the robots and destroying them with sheer force. She crawled over to a underneath a table which wasn't the smartest move on her part, because once she turned around a robot started flying towards Mila. The robot crushed her body as it held her fixated against the wall, and she could feel the pain starting to radiate throughout her body. She tried to fit against the metal man that was holding her, but only wires and bolts came out. Starting to get angrier, she pounded on the robots's chest before bright green beamed from her eyes. Pressing her hands against the robot's head, it crumpled to the floor.

She held green wisps in her hands, directing it to the robots that started flying towards her. Her anger started to take over and inhibit the stronger personality of Mila. It was at the moment in fighting that they realized, more specifically Bruce, that she needed help. That her radioactive powers could help and at the same time destroy. Once the last robot had fallen, the team looked at the destruction and then primarily at Mila. She held a defensive stance with green orbs surrounding her eyes, and wisps in her hand.

As Steve was carefully approaching the defensive and unresponsive Mila, the emerald had left her eyes and hand. Before she could even get a word out, she could see nothing but darkness.

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