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'His eyes are so dreamy. You could totally get lost in them!' Nora sighed. God! She was so dramatic!
'Ok. Let me guess. You are talking about..... Josh! No-no-no. That's wrong. You'll just broke up. Ohhh! I know! You're talking about Sam!!' I said.

'Come on Leia! You have to be kidding me. What kind of a best friend are you?! You don't even remember that I went on a date with Alex yesterday!'
'Hey! Don't criticize my best friend skills. It's not my fault that you've gone for like five dates over the last three days! What normal person can keep a track of that many dates?!'
She rolled her eyes, 'Yeah whatever. Oh shit!! Eye candy to your left. Whooo. Damn!'

I turned. God he was beautiful. First I noticed his perfect jawline, then his muscular built and the way his black t-shirt hung loosely over his well defined abs. He was tall, about 5ft 10in, that is 5 inches taller than me. His jet black hair was thoroughly messed up and looked so so sexy. Lastly I noticed his eyes. When my eyes landed on his, I almost dropped down dead. They were beautiful, magical, almost like they held this secret world within them that no one was allowed to enter. They were the gorgeous color of the sunset, burning, dancing like a candle flame. A rather odd color, if you ask me, but that was what made them so beautiful. Everything about him was perfect. He would totally stand out in a crowd of the hottest guys.

My heart was racing Usain Bolt and was even a few hundred meters ahead of him. Then, he saw me, he smiled, he rested his gorgeous eyes on my hazel fading into blue ones and suddenly my heart was driving a car at 200km/h. We held the eye contact as he approached me. During this time all I said was, 'Nora, back off. This one's mine. '

Soon, he was standing just two feet away from me. I felt like I was in one of those commercials where the actress's hair keeps blowing all around her, as if she was hit by a huge wave of shock. I guess I was so lost in his eyes, I didn't even see him walking towards me. Suddenly, I was finding it hard to breathe, and all I could see was him. As if things couldn't get any better or worse depending on how one thought of the situation, he started speaking.

His voice wasn't too rough nor too soft. It was a perfect in between. It was both very manly and comforting and soothing at the same time. It was low pitched. Every word flowed out smoothly. The only oddity was his accent. Now, I pride myself in identifying accents, however this one seemed very out of the world yet amazing. It sounded like a mixture of every accent I've heard of. I was swooning inside and gosh it was so hard to keep my shit together.

He was very macho, if I must say, and very very charming. Like a perfect blend of Edward and Jacob from twilight. My very own Jadward.
'Hi. I'm new here. My name is Tyler, you can call me Ty.'
'Hey. I-I'm Leia. Nice to meet you.. Ty. ' I breathed out. Damn he was gorgeous.
'Ah! A beautiful name for a beautiful creation like yourself. Mind showing me around?' He said grinning.

Wow. He was good at grinning too. Wait. Wait a minute, did he just call me beautiful???????!!!!!!! OH MY GOD LEIA, HE CALLED YOU BEAUTIFUL!!!! Ok calm down, breathe and keep your shit together, don't smile like a buffoon.

Little could I control the happiness bursting inside me. It was like a nuclear reaction taking place in my body. It felt like several boxes of TNT being set off at a go in my heart. It felt like so many weird inexplainable things, it felt so odd, so oddly good. The TNT of happiness just exploded and smiling wide like the idiot I was, I said, 'No not at all. Come along.'
'Thank you so much for sparing time for me.'

I looked around, trying to find Nora to signal to her the good, good news but she was nowhere to be found.
'Uh.. Did you see my friend running away somewhere?'
'No. She has probably gone to use the lavatory.'
'Perhaps she has....'

Nora would never, I repeat, NEVER just vanish at a moment like this, even to go to the bathroom. Oh well, she must have wanted to pee real bad.

'So, shall we proceed without wasting any more of our precious time?' He said holding out his hand in front.
'Yes. We shall.' I said, looking up at him, a smile on my face.
An odd accent, an out of the world physique, alien eyes, and now, usage of classic book English while conversing. God he was hot and cute and totally my type.
All I have to do now is make sure that I don't fall in love with him or my life will be messed up big time.

• • •

I hope you like this so far. God I love Ty. So this is just the beginning. It might have a shaky storyline but forgive me, it is after all my first story.
Leave comments as to what you think. I promise I won't let you down. I'm working on creating this fictional world that I swear will be epic but you have to wait for a few chapters to find out.
P. S. Thanxx a lot if you're reading this

Love ya!!

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