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The adrenaline was rushing through my body. I wanted to jump out of bed, throw on my best workout clothes and march right into the training room like the princess I was. So I was going to do just that.

I pushed myself off the bed, or rather tried to. I was held back from jumping of the bed because I was attached to various devices. Tangled tubes filled with liquids I didn't know the names of, were inserted into my body.

I groaned and leaned back into the bed. Tyler was not helping the situation by laughing his butt off. So much for my adrenaline rush. Argh. He was holding his sides and shaking with laughter. Crossing my hands over my chest, I turned and glared at Ty.

'Ok, ok, I get it, not funny. I won't laugh.' He said putting his hands up in the air.

'Yeah, you better not.' I said.

And as expected he burst into another fit of laughter. I allowed myself a small smile, it was kind of funny.

'Ok, it might be funny, but I still have to get out of bed and go for training.'

'Yeah, I'll go call the nurse.'

'You don't need to do that, the nurse is here.' The nurse said, walking into the room.

She was soon busy freeing me from the prison of tubes. This was the first time I looked at her properly. Earlier I was always either unconscious or too dizzy to notice her. She looked around a year or two older than me. She was gorgeous. She had sharp scarlet eyes that seemed to observe everything. She had angular cheekbones, and a slender nose. Her lips were colored a bright red. Her hazel hair was tied up in a messy bun and her makeup was on point. She was gorgeous and the only flaw was a scar that started on the outer edge of her eyebrow, and ended at her jaw line. I didn't find it ugly though. It made her look like a strong and independent woman who'd probably whip your ass if you messed with her.

She saw me looking at her and said, smiling, 'I'm Angelina by the way. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to come and ask me. I'm a whole lot of things other than a nurse. You probably figured that out by looking at my scar. And if you ever need to talk about anything, or borrow some clothes or get some makeup tips, I'm here. I'm just 17, a year older than you, so I can be a friend, if you want.'

'Uh... thank you.' I said, unsure of what to make out of her kindness. She seemed cool, really cool, but I didn't know whether I should trust her or not.

'I see, his majesty has healed your wounds. Sometimes, I have no idea why I'm needed here, he can heal any type of wound.' She said.

'You do a great job. Don't ever think you're not needed here.' I said.

'Thank you' she said, smiling. 'Now you're free. Go, you'll get really late.' she said.

'Thank you Angelina.'

'No prob hun. See you 'round.'


I was just about to walk out the room with Ty, when I realized that I didn't have any clothes with me, and that I was clad in a dressing gown. There  went my plans of wearing great workout clothes. I turned around to ask Angelina if I could borrow some clothes. Before I could speak, she said, 'You need clothes right?'

I nodded

'Third room to your left, keys under the roses, and you're welcome. Now hurry.'

Smiling, I left the room. I really liked this girl.


Finding Angelina's room was easy because she had given very direct instructions, but finding the required clothes was not. Unlike her neatly decorated room with just the right amount of furniture and decorations, her cupboard was a huge mess of enough clothes to set up a clothing outlet. I was holding the cupboard open and staring at it, wondering what I was supposed to do when Tyler said, 'Need help?'

'Yeah I do, actually.'

He walked over to where I was standing. He looked at the cupboard for a minute and then said, 'I'm not sure I'll be much of a help here. But I can give you an idea of what you're looking for.'

'That will be quite helpful actually.' I said, still marveling at how messy the cupboard was.

'uhh, you're looking for dry-fit black tights and a black tank top.'

'What brand?' I asked

'Most probably Nike.'

I spotted some dark clothing at the back of the cupboard and pulled it out. Holding it up I asked ,'These?'

'Yup. Those are the ones.' He said and then added with hesitation, 'And you'll need one of those, uhh, Sports b-br, sports bras.'

Laughing at his embarrassment of saying 'bra' I said, 'Don't worry, I am wearing one.'

Rubbing his neck he said,' Uhh, ok. Cool. I-I'll wait outside. Y-you change.'

Still laughing, I said, 'Ok, go.'

I quickly changed into Angelina's clothes, and guess what? We are the same size!! The clothes were quite comfortable. I picked up a hairbrush lying on the dresser and tried comb out my thick tangled hair. There were way too many tangles to get rid of in 2 minutes, so I gave up and tied my hair up in a bun. Thankfully, I was wearing my training shoes. Why, you ask? Cuz they're goddamn comfy and I don't give a crap about fashion. I put my clothes on a hanger, hung it on a rod in the cupboard and ran out the door. Time for training.

When Ty saw me, he said, 'Damn mami. You planning to kill all the guys with your looks?'

'Maybe, if you'll be my first victim.' I said, instantly regretting it. Since when did Leia Renaldi start hitting on guys?

'Oooh, feisty, me likey.' Ty said.

'Yeah, whatever. Now come on, we need to go for training.' I said, feeling excited.

'Kay princessa, follow me.' He said taking my hand.

We reached a massive door. Ty looked at me and said, 'Ready, princessa?'

I nodded.

He gave the door a push. What lay before me, no words could explain. The training room.

• • •

Wazzup ppl!! Do u like angelina? I simply adore her.
R u excited for the training cuz I definitely am.
Hopefully this chapter was good enough.
I might not update as often cuz, school started and the teachers don't exactly love the fact that we have lives. Toooooo much homework. Argh. But it's not that bad cuz I meet my friends everyday.
Recommendations, grammar corrections and things of the sort are always welcome.
Thanx a lot for reading this, it means a lot.
If u like this chapter please tap that star and vote and comment your thoughts.

Love ya

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