Angel's Gift

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I woke to the sounds of my own screams and the pain in my hand. I was greeted by the worried faces of Tyler, my mom and a well dressed middle-aged man. He had jet black hair but eyes the same as mine.

Mom and the man were standing to my left and bending over me. The man was stroking my hand and mom was squeezing my shoulder.

Ty was standing to my right, not touching me in any way but looking at me with eyes full of concern. What was wrong with him?

I looked up and realised that I had been shifted to another room. This one had a window in the roof which let sun rays enter and warm the skin with which it was in contact

I turned towards the unknown man. I jerked my uninjured hand out of his grip. My mother glared at me and said in a stern voice, 'Leia, manners. That's your father.'

'F-father?' I said, turning my attention to mom.

'Yes sweetie, it's your papa. Oh you've grown so much. You were just two years old when we had to send you away and now you've come back. How are you feeling my baby?' Dad said.

'I'm feeling ok except for the fact that my right hand feels like it's being dipped in concentrated hydrochloric acid.' I said, slowly, observing my fathers face.

'Oh, that's not a big deal! Here, show me your wound.'

Still very confused, I lifted my right hand and showed it to my dad. I shut my eyes, I didn't want to see the wound. I felt my father's cold hands wrapping around the wound.
'Now hold still, this might hurt.' he said before chanting some sort of mantra.

I was hit by a tide of pain. I tried not to scream, tears rushed into my eyes fogging up my vision. My tissues felt like they were being pulled and knotted and all I knew was, it hurt way too much and I couldn't hold my scream back. I screamed as loud as I could, but forced myself to stay where I was. I stopped screaming and cried.

'There, it's fine now. Honey, you're fine now. Stop crying please.' My father said in a calming voice.

I looked at my hand. There was no sign of injury, not even a scar. My hand looked perfectly fine. I turned my tear stained face towards dad and whispered,'H-how?'

'It doesn't matter. Now, since you're feeling better, I think you should accompany Tyler for your first training class.' Dad said matter-of-factly.

This pissed me off. Unable to control my temper I shouted,'What do you mean it doesn't matter?! I deserve to know. And why did you have to send me away? How did I get that picture in my hand? What the hell am I? What is this place? Why and what do I need to train? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! I should know because I am part of it.'

Tyler cleared his throat. I looked at him my eyes wide with anger and confusion. He shook his head and put a finger on his lips.

'Lei-lei,' dad said. I turned my head to look at him.

'You are one of the few children of the light who have some sort of magic in them, some gift given by the angels. This magic runs in mostly in royal blood. If untrained, this gift becomes a curse. Using this power uses up your energy rapidly. One must be trained to keep the power under their control, or else they might use the power unknowingly and end up draining their energy to such an extent that it may lead to death. This is why you need to train and also the reason you got that picture in your hand. The rest you'll learn with time. Now go. You're getting late.' Dad said kissing my forehead.

Mom kissed my hand and said,'Do well my child, you're powerful enough to rid this world of dark.'

And with that mom held dad's hand, closed her eyes and disappeared.

I looked at Tyler confused as ever. 'What. The hell. Was that?'

He laughed at my expression and said,'Don't let your head explode that's the smallest of surprises awaiting you.'

I closed my eyes. My head felt like it was going to burst. This was way too much information in a small span of time. I couldn't handle it. How much more could I take before I burst under the pressure? I am a magical child of the light. What did that even mean? And what is the dark? How am I powerful? I mean I can't do even one pull-up. There were many more questions that I wanted to ask, but I dismissed them and got myself together. Opening my eyes, I said in a determined voice,'Let's do this.'

'That's my girl!' Ty said.

This entire chapter gave me anxiety. I don't even know why. Probably because I just finished reading Cinder. Mehh. Ok get ready for training ppl. We're gonna have fuuunnn. Jk.

GUESS WHO WENT TO FRANCEEEEE?!??!!!!!!!!!!Yeah I did. It's beautiful, just gorgeous. The places, the food and the people. Belle! Kk I'll stop

Thanx for reading. Like srsly it means a lot. Leave comments pwease and hit or rather tap that star to vote if you liked this chapter.

Love ya

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