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it would be youngjae's first day of school after their little outing. they both got home before it got too dark out, so that youngjae would have enough time to rest and sleep, because, as jaebum said, "school would be tiring as hell". jaebum had promised youngjae that he would go along with him to school to introduce him to some people and his friends and to get familiar with the school. so youngjae was quite excited when he found out about that, at least something good coming out of going to school.

the next morning youngjae swore he hit the snooze button atleast three times before he actually got up from his bed. lazily dragging himself to the bathroom to take a shower and pouring himself a bowl of cereal afterwards. his parents were most probably at work at this time, seeing that none of them had been seen the whole day so far by youngjae, so he had the house all to himself for was now 7:36 and youngjae was getting quite anxious since jaebum promised he'd pick him up in his house by 7:30 so that they'd get to school earlier and be able to see some parts of the school. when the clock hit 7:40 youngjae got his ass out of his house and made his way to the im residence just across the street. he rung the doorbell once and waited patiently for someone to answer the door. 

he was greeted with a woman who he had inferred to be jaebum's mother, "uh, good morning misses im, is jaebum hyung here?" he asked in a quiet and polite tone. "oh you're youngjae right, son of the choi's. sorry dear but jaebum left with some of his friends quite some time awhile ago, would you like me to call him up for you?" she answered in a warm tone. "oh no need for that misses im, thank you for the offer though. i best be on my way to school now, thank you again misses im." youngjae bowed and made his way to school. 

the school was quite far for youngjae's liking. well honestly, youngjae hated anything that had to do with physical activity, especially if he was all alone, like he was currently. he brought out a pair of earphones and stuffed them into his ear, playing some music while he walked on the way to his new school. 

he made it there in about 15 minutes of tedious walking. he had about 5 minutes left before the bell rung for the first period. he took this as an opportunity to look for any school office that would tell him what class he was assigned to. 12-A.

he looked for said classroom and found it in no time. he walked into the classroom to be greeted with the sight of several students wilding out so early in the morning. youngjae just stood by the entrance door of the classroom, not knowing what to do nor where to go inside the classroom. he was brought out of his daze when someone tapped on his shoulder from behind. youngjae turned around to see who it was, "you must be the new student right? i'm park jinyoung, president of this class, nice to meet you." youngjae examined this person for a moment, big round ears, very round eyes that wrinkled when he had smiled at youngjae, but looked very welcoming. he, jinyoung, had brought out his hand for a handshake to welcome youngjae into the class. youngjae also brought his hand out to shake jinyoung's. "right, thanks, i'm choi youngjae. guess this will be my class from now on."

"guess so," jinyoung went into the classroom with youngjae, showing him around the room a bit. nothing really special with it. it was a room with basically just chairs and tables. jinyoung told youngjae where he would be seated for the rest of the term and it was some seat in the middle of the room, where he sat next to jinyoung actually. the teacher had arranged it that way so that jinyoung could be at least a friendly face for youngjae in this new place. 

the teacher came in right in time when the bell rang. "good morning class, i see a new face here. you must be the new student then. introduce yourself." youngjae got up from his seat and went into the front of the class where the teacher was standing. "hello, i'm choi youngjae. i moved here from mokpo. please take care of me!" he said while bowing. but from the corner of his eye he saw a familiar face trying to sneak into the classroom from the backdoor, which the teacher hadn't noticed. it was jaebum. "welcome youngjae. i guess you have met our class president and student body representative, park jinyoung. you may approach him or myself if you need anything. i'm misses chang by the way." she introduced herself before gesturing youngjae to sit back down to his seat.


unedited !

and finally edited ! (may 2)

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