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i just realized how much typos and how messed up chapter 7 was sorry whoops

it had been a week since the little incident in the sidewalk. youngjae had to admit he did kind of miss the presence of jaebum, but was still mad at him calling jinyoung a 'loser'. jinyoung was a good guy, he would even consider him as his best friend at the moment.

plus that little show he had seen with his own two eyes in the cafe with the other youngjae. jinyoung nor youngjae didn't know if they actually were dating or not because they only seen them together that one time in the cafe and none other after. 

youngjae didn't know what he felt about jaebum. one part of his said not to get remotely close to him, but the other part of him just said to have his hyung maybe explain on his part. he just didn't know why he would think of something like that, especially with what everyone has been telling him so far.

it was around 3:30 in the morning of a saturday. and not just any early morning, it was raining quite hard, and if that wasn't bad enough, there was thunder.

a scared choi youngjae was in his bed trying his best to ignore all that was happening outside and sleep, but it was impossible. he hated the rain, but more specifically, he just really hated the thunder. everything about it, the noise, how it would just appear out of no where, that bolt that would scare anyone with the fear of being struck by it. he was under the covers of his bed, his parents were probably asleep at this time, or anyone actually asleep now. he had earphones stuffed in his ears in the highest volume possible to try and block out the frightening sounds of whenever thunder would just go boom. trying to calm himself down. he knew it was stupid, what kind of 16 year old boy is afraid of thunder? he knew it was quite pathetic, well that's what he always thought of himself.

he peeked out of his comforter-shield and looked out the window, noticing how he hasn't heard the frightening sound in quite some time. he thought the coast was all clear until he saw the bright light from not so far away and before he could even react, just a few milliseconds later, he heard the sound he hated the most in the world, thunder. he shrieked and jumped back to bed and tried to cover his ears with his hands to block out any noise. he felt something roll down to his cheeks, he started tearing because of how afraid and helpless he was.

he quickly wiped away the tear and peeked one again with the comforter on top of his head so that it looked like he had a tent around him and hands stuffed against his ears and looked out the window, he saw the room across his own had the light on.

it was jaebum's.

he just knew it was.

youngjae quickly grabbed his phone from his nightstand and once again hid under his blanket-shield. with shaking fingers, he managed to unlock his phone and go on to messages, trying to text jaebum oh so casually.

hey hyung you awake??

i saw ur rooms lights turned on

or were you asleep with
your lights turned on??

jaebummie hyung:
oh hey youngjae why
you still awake?

jaebummie hyung:
i thought you were mad at me

the rain,,,

actually hyung

can i come over?


uhm sure?

are you sure tho,
its raining pretty
hard out it might be a bit dangerous


sorry if im bothering
you or something

jaebummie hyung:
no problem

jaebummie hyung:
make sure to bring an umbrella or

something to protect you from the rain

jaebum was quite surprised from the random message he had received from youngjae. he was in the middle of playing overwatch with mark online because the other gave up on trying to convince jackson to play. so he dragged jaebum to play with him, before he got the message from youngjae, he was actually in a middle of a call with mark. but quickly made an excuse to hang up once youngjae asked if he could come over. especially at this time and weather condition. and he honestly thought and even knew youngjae just hated him. and even found out that he saw him and well, the other youngjae, kiss in that cafe. which was a completely misinterpreted, but that was a story for another time. he was focused on the younger who had asked to come to his house in 3 in the morning. 

he wanted to make this right with the younger. he didn't want youngjae to hate him. usually he didn't really mind what people thought of him. some hated him, despised him, ridiculed him. but out of everyone, he didn't want youngjae to feel so negatively about him.

jaebum had waited for youngjae to arrive downstairs where the front door was so that he could open the door right away for the younger. he heard a faint knock on the door and opened it to reveal youngjae in just his pajamas and the sweater he had bought him on, he didn't even have an umbrella or anything.just the hood of the sweater  atop him head. 

he also noticed that his eyes seemed to be puffy and red a bit, had he been crying? he pushed his thoughts away and let youngjae into the house, "hey youngjae, what happened to you?" jaebum asked out of concern. youngjae just kept his head hanging low,avoiding eye contact at all. he actually had been crying, after that one tear escaped, more and more just came out. jaebum stayed silent, not knowing what to do or say, and moved to the side so that youngjae could enter, dripping wet from the rain.

"what do you wanna do youngjae-ah? what made you come here so early in the day?" jaebum asked, trying to start a conversation.




also ill just fix any errors when im not too lazy

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