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the math discussion had just ended and students were now fixing their stuff before filing out the room to have their lunch. "do you have anyone to have lunch with? you're welcome to join me and some of my friends if you'd like." jinyoung offered as the two had finished fixing up their desks, "are you sure? can i really? i don't wanna be a bother or anything?" youngjae asked, he again saw jaebum go out of the class room immediately with someone else just as the teacher had dismissed the class, which again left youngjae alone. "no problem, of course you can. come on," jinyoung was already on his way out of the door and youngjae followed behind him.

the two made it into the cafeteria where they both sat down on a table where two other guys were already seated.

"okay youngjae, meet yugyeom," jinyoung pointed to a guy who looked to very tall and his hair slightly parted, "and bam," then jinyoung pointed to a guy sitting to the one who had been named yugyeom and this one had a mole simillar to youngjae's but on the opposite side.

"guys, this is youngjae, he just moved here." jinyoung explained before bringing out his lunch.

"no need to be shy youngjae, bam and gyeom are a year below us, they're juniors. and yugyeom here is their student council rep just like me." jinyoung explained to youngjae, "oh, hello then." he looked at the two that sat on the opposite side of jinyoung and himself.

they ate their lunch together and youngjae did feel a bit better and actually forgot that jaebum had left him during the morning and lunch. he felt comfortable in the presence of the three friends he just made.

the four were in eating in peace talking about whatnot in the rather peaceful cafeteria until a loud ruckus was made from outside and three males barged into the cafeteria. they were being insensitively loud, youngjae looked for the source of the mess and saw jaebum with two other guys. he poked jinyoung who looked to be uninterested at all. "hey jinyoung hyung, who are those?" youngjae pointed at the male with raven black hair, "that's im jaebum right?" he asked. he still couldn't believe that the hyung that was so nice to him back in their homes was actually this rude and reckless in school. "ah yes, the infamous three. that one is mark," he pointed at a male with reddish-brown hair, "jackson wang," the blonde one, "and yes, im jaebum." he finished and infact point at jaebum. "i know i'm not really one to say this youngjae-ah, but try not to get close with any of them, they're a bad influence. they always get in trouble and from what i heard they aren't doing that well academically either, everything just screams typical bad boy." youngjae took a moment to register everything. was this really the jaebum hyung he knew?

"are you sure about that hyung? i think the one with black hair looks kind." youngjae tried defending, "oh no youngjae, he may even be the worse of them all. im jaebum, everything about him is just trouble. why, have you met him before?" jinyoung asked. "uh, no. not really" youngjae said in a hurried voice just before the bell rang signaling that lunch break had ended.

"come on hyung we need to get to class. bye yug and bam!" youngjae got his stuff real quick and practically ran back to class with jinyoung trying to catch up to the younger.

the last bell had rung signaling that the students were now free to go. youngjae bid his good bye to jinyoung and thanked him for everything he has done to welcome youngjae to the school.

with just a pinch of hope, youngjae looked around the classroom and hallway one last time before leaving, trying to find if jaebum was anywhere to be seen.

but of course, he wasn't.

he made his way out of the school's premises once again put on earphones to listen to music. looking down most of the way back home.

the next few days of school happened like this, but to the point that youngjae would try and avoid jaebum. he would try to avoid him in the hallways or classroom, which wasn't hard due to jaebum always being somewhere but school, not even texting or calling his hyung up. jaebum would sometimes initiate a conversation after school through text but youngjae always either ignored him or made up some excuse like needing to study or sleep. jaebum wasn't that stupid, he did find out that the younger was ignoring him, and he didn't really like that.

today was a friday, classes had just ended and jaebum was approached by one of his best friends, jackson. "hey bum hyung, wanna hang at my place, my folks are out of town and my dad had got tons of booze at home. so you know we can" he made a motion with his hand as if he was taking a shot or something. usually jaebum wouldn't say no to offer like that, especially it being a friday. but he had to refuse, "sorry jackson, i have stuff to do," he said before slinging his bag on his shoulder and running out of the classroom once he spotted youngjae leave just seconds before. this was very unlikely of jaebum, even he himself knew that, but something in him didn't want the younger to continue ignoring him like he currently was.

jaebum spotted youngjae walking out of school at a rather fast pace and jaebum tried to hurry to try and catch up to him.

he caught up to youngjae before crossing the street, it was a red light so youngjae had to stop. "hey youngjae," jaebum tapped his shoulder from behind. youngjae turned around and was taken a back to see jaebum there. he pulled out his earphones and spoke up, "oh, hey hyung" he said oh-so-casually. "what're you doing here? shouldn't you be out with your friends or something?"

"yeah actually, jackson invited me over to his place, but i wanted to spend some time with you. so how are you?"

"fine." youngjae answered. jaebum cringed at the cold reply, trying again, "so, who do you stay with at school?"

"jinyoung and his friends, since a certain someone didn't go with me." youngjae said in a sarcastic tone and started walked once again when the pedestrian light turned green. "look, i'm sorry i didn't go with you as promised. i was busy with some things and my friends surprised me at home. come on, i can introduce you to them if you'd like. they probably would like you." jaebum said, trying to catch up and talk to youngjae at the same time from behind.

youngjae stopped from walking in the middle of the sidewalk to face jaebum, "look, okay, just stay with your friends, i don't really care anymore. and jinyoung told me about you guys and what you've done okay-"

"who even is jinyoung? park jinyoung? that nerd in the student council? why are you hanging out with a loser like him instead of hanging out with the cool guys?" jaebum cut youngjae off mid-sentence raising his voice slightly.

"you know what hyung, just go to jakeson's place or whatever his name is. it's obvious you don't really want me here with you. and yes i'd be more glad to the around the 'losers' rather than you guys who just cause trouble. i've heard about the things you guys have done jaebum." youngjae blurted out and jaebum stood there with a shocked expression in his face.

"you know what, whatever hyung. bye" youngjae stomped away taking none of jaebum's bullshit right now.

guess the jaebum from before was just a fake.


this took an unexpected turn even for me whoops i didnt know it was gonna turn out like this ooooOOOOooooOOo spicee

also unedited bc its 2 am rn yike

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