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His arrow flew just above my head, landing on another monster's shield. My own arrows whizzed past soldiers, some sticking to armor, others hitting shields.

"Y/N!! DON'T JUST SHOOT RANDOMLY! AIM AS BEST YOU CAN.  THAT'S WHAT YOUR SHIELD IS FOR!" Papyrus shouted, balancing his sword over a human's.

"Yes, Boss!" I shouted, holding my shield  toward the wave of humans, and setting up another arrow.

I quickly positioned my bow next to the shield and glanced over the edge, slowly pointing the arrow at the nearest soldier. He looked straight at me, and I let go, launching the arrow through the air. I couldn't hear anything above the cries of war, but I felt a vibration in the ground, where I was crouching. I got him.

I felt horrible for fighting my own people, but I quickly pushed that thought away. I was one of the monsters now. Papyrus and Sans would be proud of me.

Suddenly, I felt a large force against my shield. I leapt backward and drew my spear, holding my protection in front of me.



Nate was an old friend of mine. We hung out together all the time after school. I guess I forgot about him.

"W-What are you doing here, Nate? Y-You joined the army?!"

"What are you doing down here, Y/N?! Those things have killed hundreds of us!" He exclaimed, dropping his sword.

"Then how am I still alive?"

He paused for a moment. Before he could speak, I jumped and kicked his chest, knocking him to the ground.

"Listen, Nathan-"

"Don't call me that."

"Shut it!" I shouted, aggressively pointing my spear at him. "I've been fine down here on my own. It's better than being on the surface. Now, take your army and get the hell out of here. If you don't, the monsters and I will kill-"

A jolt of pain surged through my right shoulder. I felt the force throw me backward, launching my back into the trunk of a tree. I felt warmth surround my shoulder, closing in and leaving again.

I lay against the roots of the tree gazing at the arrow lodged into my shoulder. Nate was running toward me.

"Are you okay? I'll go get help!" He called toward me as he sprinted away.

"Nathan! Nate! Come back!"

His figure disappeared in the war. I was left alone under a tree, too weak from shock to move. I heard fast footsteps and barely lifted my head from the freezing snow.


Another jolt of pain shot through my body, then another. From where I was trapped, two warriors were attempting to hit Papyrus, and were hitting me instead.

I couldn't move. I couldn't even lift my head anymore. The snow around me was becoming red. The cold didn't bother me.

"I SHOULD HAVE PROTECTED YOU..." Papyrus mumbled.

My weak eyes watched him cover himself with his shield and mine. He kneeled down beside me and gently grabbed the arrow in my leg. He sighed and pressed onto my body, jerking the arrow out and tossing it behind him.

"STUPID HUMANS. IT'S YOU THAT WE'RE FIGHTING FOR, AND THEY DECIDE TO GO OFF AND HARM YOU. IDIOTS..." he grumbled, removing another arrow from my ankle.


"P-Papyrus... S-stop talking... a-about the arrows... j-just h-help me... please..." I groaned.

He stared at me for a moment before grasping the final arrow in my shoulder and jerking it out and away. He shook his head and lifted me by my spiked collar, gently standing me up against the tree.



He gently grabbed my legs, and the rest of my body, and picked me up, holding me close to him. I saw Sans clambering through the trees.

"Shortcuts..." he panted. "What the hell is going on? We're losing! Now isn't the time to be loving each other! You can do that later."

"S-Sans..." I began, but Papyrus stopped me, and gestured toward my wounds. "SHE'S INJURED."

Sans sighed, handing me my spear. "We'll take you home. You just gotta help us get there."

Papyrus began walking out of the forest and back into the warzone. Monster figures were being dusted, and few humans lay in the snow, unmoving. He walked carefully around trees, making sure nothing snagged into my armor. However, the army was closing in quickly, spotting the skeletons with me in their hands. He began to run.

Suddenly, he lost his footing, sliding in the snow and ice. I felt myself flying away from him, toward the warzone, and off the edge of a cliff. My good arm grasped onto the root of a tree, my entire body dangling over the edge. I looked down, seeing the snow and the pine trees at the bottom; maybe a 50 foot drop. Snow from the cliff's edge fell on top of my face as the humans and monsters raced toward me.

"Y/N! I'll help you!" I heard Nate call out. He pushed his way toward me, holding out a staff of some sort. "Grab onto it and we'll pull you away!"

"This is my only good limb. My others are useless because of the humans who shot me," I said, feeling the heat from the blood, still running from the wounds. I could black out at any moment, falling to my death.

Nate looked around, then he looked defeated. Sans walked toward him. He looked at Nate, then me, than back at him. Papyrus was behind him, scanning the area for anything he could use.

"You guys have to trust me. I can help her," Sans said.

"Trust you?! Trust you?! How and why should we trust monsters like you?!" Nate shouted.

"Nate... Nate, no..." I said, feeling my grip weaken.

"Trust me!" Sans said, letting his eyes grow dark. One began to flare red as a monstrous blaster appeared behind him. The humans stumbled backward.

"Y/N... Let go," he said. Papyrus stood in disbelief.


"Then I better not miss... Nor miss the time. Let go, Y/N."

And I let go.

I'm The Apprentice: Underfell Papyrus X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now