Its Over

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(A/N- Warning- This chapter has a bit of descriptive gore. If you do not wish to read, there are "~GW" that stands for "Gore Warning." You may skip the paragraph(s) after that signal until you see "~".)

(A/N- If there were previous chapters with descriptive gore without warning, I will try and go back through them and set warnings if needed.)

The three of us stepped outside. It was worse than we thought. The humans were pushing closer than ever. The white snow turned into a mix of gray and red.

"NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus cried, leaping into the battle. He literally jumped off of the staircase and landed on top of a human solider, bringing him down into the snow.

Sans walked around the house, but when I followed him, he was gone.

I followed Papyrus and we instantly found ourselves fighting against the humans. One human turned to me.

"Look, kid, people with families are dying for you. Come back with us and stop this war, please," he begged.

"Yeah. People with families are dying. You see that Froggit that just dusted over there? I knew it's family. It's family is probably so devastated that they are willing to fight in his place. They'll just be killed too. You don't have children fighting here, do you?" I ask, pushing the man with a great force.

"N-No, of course not! B-But you are only-"

"Shut it! I'm a certified warrior of this world, and I will kill humans to remain that way." I drew my sword. "I'm not afraid to."


"P-Please! D-Don't-"

His words were cut short by my sword, swinging down into his throat. His attempts to breathe through a coughing fit were pitiful. He drowned in his own blood.

I dislodged my sword and headed back to Papyrus, who just wounded a soldier's shoulder.


"NICE ONE," he praised, giving a death stare to his opponent, who swiftly dragged himself away. "THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!"

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I drew my sword and pointed it at Nate. His face looked agonized and he held a decaying Shyren.

"Is it really worth this?" he asked, holding the dust pile to me. "Please just come home... I love-"


He couldn't finish the sentence. A silver, pointed spear, now covered in dark red, pierced through Nate's body. His eyes drained of their color, and he went limp. A low growl came from a smirk behind him.



Nate's body fell into the snow, unmoving. I couldn't tell if I felt sad, angry, or happy. He was an old friend, way back to fourth grade. We did everything together, but I never knew he had any kind of feelings for me. I had never thought of the idea. Now I just felt, empty.

Papyrus shouted out loudly to the war, and some of the humans and monsters looked toward us. Papyrus looked at me and smiled.

"JUST ONCE?" he asked.

I looked up at him, puzzled on what he wanted. He bent down and kissed the side of my head, but it didn't feel loving at all. The monsters and humans gasped and chattered, almost as if the war never started. It didn't last long enough, and arguments broke out. The war had restarted.

"What was the point of that?!" I asked, pushing his skull away from my face.


I sighed and took one last glance at Nate's body. I whispered low so no one but myself could hear. "I'm sorry."

I dived straight into the military of humans, looking for my grandfather. I knew he was one of the leaders.


I clambered over bodies and picked my way around dust piles before I found him fighting a Woshua. He was drenched and looked like he was freezing to death, but he pulled out a gun and shot the Woshua. It began to dust immediately.


"Grandfather! Grandfather!" I called out to him.

"Y/N? Y-You're still alive? I thought you were killed!" he exclaimed, dropping his gun and running over to me, embracing me in a hug. I kept my arms to my side, afraid of the dust on his hands.

"Y-Y/N? Are you alright?" he asked cautiously.

"I'm fine," I reply, gently pushing him off of me. "Can you humans stop killing everyone down here?"

"Huh? Us humans? So, you're one of them now. That explains why you're attacking us. You hated everyone and decided to ditch it all for an abusive skeleton family-"

"I was sick of the way I was treated up on the surface. I'm happier down here than I was up there. Not a single human soul that cares about me lives," I say, drawing my sword. "Only monsters. Even so, some monsters who cared about me are gone too." I missed Flowey a lot...

Where was Undyne anyway? She seems like the bad guy, or girl, here.

My grandfather took a step back and held up his hands. "Y/N, I care about you. You're the only family that I have left. I don't want to lose you. What if they kill you? Deep down, you have a human soul. You can break the barrier since you love this place so much. They'll do whatever it takes to break the barrier, and this war will become much larger on the surface."

I growled, pointing my sword at him. "Papyrus will make sure that Undyne won't lay a scale on my soul. Leave the Underground alone. I am not going back up to the surface, and if I have to die down here to prove it, then I'll do it."

He sighed. He stared at me for a long while, and everything else seemed to be in slow motion.

"And you are sure about this? You are willing to leave everything behind for this world?"


His eyes were glazed and tears fell from his cheeks. He stepped toward me and hugged me again. I wrapped my arms around him. It was a while since I felt a human hug.

"I hope you find what you're looking for."

"I already have..."

He pulled away and turned around. "You are dead to us. Goodbye."

He whistled and looked toward the humans. His hand gestures toward the Ruins and the humans began moving out, carrying human bodies out of Snowdin. I caught a glimpse of Nate, being carried on by his father. His eyes burned into mine with a blaze of hate.

My grandfather was the last human to leave, and he walked away without looking back.

I'm The Apprentice: Underfell Papyrus X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now