Stay With Papyrus

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"I-I'm staying with Papyrus. I won't leave him behind," I stammered, knowing my life could end in any second.

Her face turned to a state of anger, disgust, and disappointment. "You're so STUPID! Why would you spend the rest of your pathetic life with a traitor? Didn't he say you're a Royal Guardsman? Technically speaking here, he is a traitor to you because he was training a human instead of handing them over," Undyne shouted. She grabbed a second spear and jammed it into the rock beside my head. My body was laying limp on the floor with her spear against my neck.

"D-DON'T TOUCH HER," Papyrus commanded.

"Why should I listen to a traitor?! The Underground needs her more than you do!" she snapped.

Papyrus said nothing. I could tell he was ashamed for being caught.

"L-Listen guys, there's a war going on outside in Snowdin..." I began. "Just let the two of us go for now, Undyne... There are plenty of humans out there to take souls from-"

Undyne growled. "Their souls don't have the feeling to save the Underground, and this lack of determination won't break the barrier. Besides, Papyrus needs to be punished for this."

"Don't bring him into this! It was my idea for him to train me!"

Suddenly, a figure slid harshly into the cavern room. The figure was a monster soldier, a Snowdrake, maybe. It was lying on its side, half in a small pool of water, half on the bank. It soon perked up, growled viciously, and scampered out of the room. Screeches and shouts could be heard echoing through the caverns.

"THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM! WE HAVE TO GO AND FIGHT!" Papyrus shouted, struggling to remove the sword from his armor. "UNDYNE, LET'S GO! LET THE HUMAN LEAVE!"

Undyne stood straight. She sighed and tossed her spear into the sword handle, jerking it away from Papyrus and landing on the floor with a loud clang. "I'll be coming back for her tomorrow, after this is over."

She leapt onto the rocky wall and clambered her way up onto a ledge, disappearing behind the rocks. Papyrus stepped away from the wall.

"Y/N... I-"

"Come over here."


"I said, get over here, Boss."

He walked toward my limp body and kneeled beside me. I couldn't do anything else, so I roughly grabbed onto his armor with my good arm, and wrapped my other arm and my legs around his body. He stood up and held onto me.

He used one hand and pulled my head closer to his skull. "DON'T WORRY, Y/N... THE WAR WILL BE OVER SOON. I AM NOT LETTING UNDYNE TAKE YOU FROM ME," he whispered.

"I hope so..." I replied, touching my forehead to his.

He tilted his head and pulled me in and kissed me. He was holding onto me tightly in an embrace. We parted and he laid me back down on the cold floor. I looked up at the wishing rocks and closed my eyes.



As soon as I opened my eyes, the battle cries were becoming closer and there wasn't any more time to spare. Monsters and humans began rushing into the cavern room to fight with more space. Panicking, Papyrus picked me up, tossed me onto his shoulders, and slowly began climbing up the wall that Undyne cleared in less than 10 seconds.

"Over there!"

"On the rocks! There she is!"

The humans began calling out to me. I hated it. I didn't want to see any other human beings. Not my grandfather. Not even Nate.

Papyrus picked up the pace and climbed up onto the ledge. Another room lay ahead. He began to crawl, holding me close on his shoulders. The drips of the water drops in the cavern room echoed throughout the rocky walls. It was calming. I soon began to find myself falling asleep...

---(Tem Skip)---




I woke up to Papyrus calling my name out. My wounds were nearly dried and I could stand up. When I did, I saw Papyrus scared out of his skin, staring at the little monsters.

"Oh no... Boss, why did you bring us here...?" I asked, inching toward him.

"I- I GOT LOST," he replied, slowly shuffling toward me.

We turned to leave quickly, but soon we were surrounded.

Surrounded by Underfell Temmies.


I'm so sorry my books are late and the chapters are getting shorter. I'm wrapping these up soon and summer break is almost here. I'll be more active in posting in the coming days. I'm sorry again for not posting since May >~<


I'm The Apprentice: Underfell Papyrus X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now