6. Sex and Children.

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"Finally," Maya exclaimed as we came back out. "I am not prepared to be a godmother so young."

Parker snorted at this as we sat down on the floor around the coffee table, "Who says we are going to make you the godmother of our child?"

"True. If anyone is going to a godmother it is going to be me," Sean said through a mouthful of Pizza. His and Maya's eating habits made you want to put of having your own food.

"With the way you both eat, I wouldn't even let you near my child let alone be its godmother," I said.

"What have our eating habits got to do with anything?" Maya questioned.

Before I could answer, Parker put a hand to my mouth. "Don't make her go on about bacteria guys. We are having food." I chuckled at this, remembering the numerous times I have made Parker loose his appetite because of the exact same reason.

"OK Ok I won't," I said, my words coming out mushed due to Parker's hand. However he understood and withdrew his hand.

As the conversation about Parker and my hypothetical children continued, Sean spoke, "Has anyone of you even had sex recently?"

"Well I can tell you our little mistress here had some fun in the sack last week. Thoroughly satisfied wasn't it?" Maya answered, making me face palm.

"Atta girl. Six months long curse broken. No more a virgin," Sean exclaimed making me want to melt into a puddle.

"I haven't been a virgin for a long time Sean. I just had a short vacation," I replied, fully feeling Parker's gaze on me.

"Six months huh?" Parker asked, full blown smile on his face.

"What happened to not telling them so that they don't offer their services?" I asked Maya, ignoring Parker.

"What services could Sean offer?" Maya replied.

"Hey now, I can perfectly satisfy a women. I have seen enough straight porn," Sean, for some reason, defended himself.

"No you haven't," All three of us replied in unison.

"OK I haven't, but I can't imagine it being that difficult," Sean said shrugging his shoulders.

"Want to give it a try?" Maya asked her eyebrows sugesstively raised.

"Ew no thank you," Sean replied, scrunching his nose.

"Sure you can please a women perfectly," Maya said laughing.

"But if we are talking about pleasing, how was it? Mindblowing, out of this world, too big?" Parker asked me, amusement dancing in his eyes. Ofcourse he was enjoying this.

"All I am going to say is, it wasn't the biggest," I replied, winking at Parker. Two could play this game.

"Oh come now, we can't just rely on your judegement," Parker returned, eyes slightly narrowing. Men and their sizes.

"How else are you going to judge? Unless you have a list of all the dick sizes, sex is the only other option, and Peter Parker we both know you don't swing that way," I answered.

"Well I don't but I am sure Sean does so," Parker replied, turning his head to Sean.

"You have a list of dick sizes?" Maya asked, completely amused.

"What? Some people collect stamps, I collect dicks," Sean answered nonchalantly.

"OK Hannibal," I returned.

"Moving on," Parker urged.

"No no, I want to hear more about this hobby," Maya told Sean.

"I'll show you whole list later," Sean promised.

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