22. Zits and Moles.

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"Parker is your mystery man!" Sean exclaimed.

"Will you be quiet," I whisper shouted, "Parker is in the house!"

"And oh we can't have him know that he slept with you now can we!" Sean said, still shouting.

"Sean calm down," I tried a different approach, making my way towards him. I sat down besides him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Geez you would think I was to about tell him his baby died.

"I know it's a lot to take in but please for the love of god, stop shouting."

"A lot to take in?!" He screamed again, before speaking in a lower voice,"A lot to take in! My two best friends slept together. How do you think I should react?"

OK he had a good point.

"I know I know. But let's just try not to scream and I promise I'll tell you everything you need to know."

Sean took a deep breath and nodded. He opened and closed his mouth several times before asking his first question, "Was he any good?"

This made me laugh, "Yeah," I simply replied.

"Yeah? That's all I get?" Sean pouted.

"Well I could also tell you how his amazing sexual poweress blew my mind, and made me feel like my inner sexual deity had come alive, but I thought that would be too much information. And also a lie," I replied.

Sean raised an eyebrow, shaking his head saying, "Nothing that specific is a lie girl."

"It was good," I restated.

"I'll take that. When did it happen?"

"Remember the party Maya threw to celebrate the last year of college?" I asked.

Sean hummed in reply and I continued, "That night, we were dancing and I think we were a little drunk, but any how the dancing turned into kissing and the kissing turned into making out and next thing you know we are in my room, having sex."

"Man, and you both kept it a secret for so long," Sean said.

"Yeah well."

"I still can't believe you and him slept together," he replied, falling back onto his bed. "Wait is this is why you guys stopped talking?"

"Yeah," I replied, lying down besides him.

"Really? Cause you both slept together? That's a bit too much."

"Well it was part of the reason actually," I told him.

I felt Sean's questioning eyes, as I kept staring at the ceiling. After I gave no further explanation, Sean asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean," I said taking a deep breath, before turning my head towards him, "It's above your pay grade."

"Hey!" Sean exclaimed. Before he could say anything further the doorknob of Sean's room started jiggling. My eyes widened as I realised it's Parker trying to get in.

I rushed to the door and opened it as smoothly as possible, to make it seem as if it wasn't locked.

"Why was the door locked?" Parker asked as soon as I opened the door.

OK maybe it didn't work.

"It wasn't," I replied.

"Really?" He questioned, amusement shining in his voice. "Then I guess the door was just jammed."

"Yep. That's it," I exclaimed. Parker for obvious reasons didn't buy my claim and instead started walking towards me. I raised my eyebrows at him as I started walking backwards. Soon my back hit the wall, and in a classic chessy movie kind of a way, Parker caged me in.

"Peter Parker?" I questioned in a low voice.

"Princess why was the door locked?" Parker asked in a similar whisper.

Why were we whispering?

"I," Speaking with him this close, seemed like an impossible task, with my heart picking up the pace.

Parker on the other hand seemed to be having no such problems, even going as far as to lean closer to me, his lips just inches from mine, hot breath fanning all over my face.

"Hm? You were saying," He said, before gulping.

"Uh Sean had a mole that he wanted me to see," I replied.


"What?" Parker asked still close but his voice louder now.

"Yep." I guess we are going with this story.

"What mole?" Parker asked, now turning to Sean, one hand still by my head.

"Uh," Sean stuttered, but made an excuse, "yeah this weird mole down my lower back. I thought it may be serious?"

"And you needed to lock the door to see a mole on his lower back?" Parker asked me.

"Hey he is the one shy about his body," I said shrugging.

"Since when? And you could have asked me."

"You were gone and she was here," Sean argued.

"I was just in the other room," Parker said, clearly amused.

"I think the thing to focus on is that the mole was just a zit," I said finally pulling Parker's hand down and moving him towards the bed.

"Yeah. That's right. So what did you need man?" Sean questioned as I once again sat down besides him.

"I wanted to know what we are having for lunch," He said, not fully trusting the story.

"Pizza?" Sean suggested.

"Ok. You staying?" Parker asked me.

"Yeah sure," I replied. I had no other plans.

"Great. I am going to order the pizza and finish an assignment, then we can all eat and discuss this weird behaviour," Parker said, exiting the room.

"That was close," I said lying back down.

"You and Parker have feelings for each other!"

What now?!


Yo girl just got her mind blown by what she cannot remember right now.

Also anyone up for making me a new cover?

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