13. In Sickness and in Health.

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Everyone adjusted to the changed circumstances pretty quick, no one raising a question, especially since they knew the answer would be silence. Whatever had happened between Parker and I was going to stay between us, and all they cared was to have the gang back.

However even as things settled back into there place, the awkward air between Parker and I remained. Also the empty feeling didn't quite leave. This coupled with tens of assignment, had made my life hell.

Finding a day to relax, I sat down to watch a movie, when my phone rang. It was Parker.

Even though he had called me hundreds of time in the last three year, it had been a month since we talked, and so my heart thudded loudly as I picked up the call.

"Hey," Parker's rough voice sounded from the other side.

"Hello," I replied.

"What are you doing?" Parker questioned before going into a coughing fit.

"You alright Park?" I asked in return.

"No actually. I am not feeling well," He replied.


"Yeah. Would you do me a favour and come over? I tried Maya but she has work and Sean has an assignment due," Parker said and it hurt just a bit that I was his last choice.

Maybe everything will never go back to the way it was.

"Uh yeah sure. I'll get some soup too," I said as I got up. Half an hour later I was at Parker's place ringing the bell.

"Hello," Parker said as he opened the door to let me in. He looked horrible.

"What exactly is wrong with you?" I asked as I made my way into the kitchen, to empty the soup into a bowl.

Coming out I saw Parker nowhere in the living room, deducing he must be in his room. My heart thuded as I made my way there, before chiding myself. There was nothing to thud about. I made sure of that.

"Here," I said entering his room and placing the bowl besides him.

"Thank you so much," He replied, sitting up to eat the soup.

"Yeah so what is wrong with you?" I asked once again, sitting myself on the opposite side to him.

"Fever, cough and this horrible pain in my back," He replied.

"Oh. It must be the changing weather," I said as I looked out his window. The seasons were changing and soon the winters would begin. Shame, I actually like the Fall better. Pretty colours, crunchy leaves.

"Maybe. Doesn't explain the back pain though."

"Its just muscles tightening I guess. Don't worry you'll be alright in a few days," I assured him.

"Sure I'll take medical advice from the management student," He said, a smile on his face.

I let out a small laugh at this, replying, "Well it's cheaper for sure."

"And I should save all the money I can, given that Christmas is just around the corner," He replied making me laugh again.

"Christmas is not for another month and a half Park," I reminded him.

"Are you forgetting how many people I have to shop for. Mum, Dad, Jane, her husband Derek, Drew, Terrence Theresa, Sean, Maya, You, who by the way doesn't even celebrate Christmas per say," He answered giving the never ending list of his cousins. Though a single child, Christmas at the Franks was a party every year. I got to go once and I still don't know half of the people's name there.

"I do celebrate Christmas Park. We have a tree and everything man," I returned laughing. Even though my parents were Hindu, we still liked to celebrate some America traditions. It was fun to be honest; so many gift.

"Yeah yeah. But you're family is still Hindu," He said finishing his soup. As he lied down, I moved to the other side of him to give him space.

"This is just being racist, I am sure," I replied as I sat back down again.

"No this one has got more to do with religion," Parker said turning to lie on his side, face towards me.

"I don't know what's that called, but its mean."

Parker let out a soft laugh and continued with the conversation, "What are you going to do for Christmas? Maya told me your parents are going on a cruise."

"Ah yes. Mum finally convinced dad that Titanic was a one off thing," I told Parker.

"You know it wasn't right?" He questioned me and I nodded my head. "Dad doesn't need to though," I replied.

"I am sure Uncle knows. He is a smart man."

"I am sure too. It's nice he is doing this for Mum. As for me I am going to just stay home," I relayed my plan to him.

"OK," Parker said and silence fell between us. Parker closed his eyes and after fifteen minutes I was sure he was asleep.

As I decided what to do next, Parker spoke again, surprising me, "You know you can come with me. Eveyone is still asking about you since your maiden vist."

This surprised me as the thought of going with Parker never crossed my mind.

"They are?" I asked as I didn't know what to say.

"Yes. You are great conversation starters at our meals. The girl who tripped with the entire Christmas decorations," Parker said making me cringe.

"Oh I see that is still going strong," I said as the memory of stumbling over a loose wire, and literally bringing down the whole Christmas tree flashed by.

"Definitely. So?" Parker asked.

And in that moment I felt more guilty than ever. Because really, I wanted to go with Parker. But the fact was that he was asking only as a friend and that all my mind could do was go in the other direction. Which wasn't fair. I could not do that after all the shit I pulled.

"I wouldn't want to intrude. And you may never know, staying home I may just make my very own sad Christmas song," I replied making a poor attempt at a joke.

"Make me a copy for sure then," Parker said not trying to push the topic, cementing my belief that this was nothing more than a pity invite.

"Sure will do Park," I said as I got up to give him room to sleep. I also wanted to be away from him for a while.

"What's with the 'Park'?" He suddenly questioned making me stop in my way.

"Uh?" I asked, turning back towards him.

"That is the fifth time you have called me Park since you came here," He commented.

"Would you rather like me calling you Parker?" I quizzed with a raised eyebrow.

"I rather you go back to Peter Parker. However stupid it was, it was cute," He said.

I didn't know what to say so I stood there looking at him. Deciding on just smiling at him I nodded my head and wordlessly turned to leave, when Parker spoke up again, "To be honest, I think you would make a horrible Christmas artist. So how about you consider my offer and stop thinking about everything so much. You didn't ruin anything princess. It was a mess to begin with."

And just like that I knew it wasn't only my brain running in the other direction, my heart had joined in too.


Does anyone know whats up with this timeline?

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