34. Happy New Year.

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"I can't believe 2018 is ending. I have achieved nothing this year," Sean exclaimed as he fell back on our couch.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, you didn't achieve anything in 2017 or 2016 either," Maya told him as she helped herself to another piece of pizza.

"It does not, thank you very much," Sean plainly replied.

This year the four of us had decided to spend the new year's eve in our apartment, just watching some movies and having wine. While not all of us were happy with this, I didn't care that much because what I really was looking forward to was Parker and mine date tomorrow.

It would be the perfect start to a new year.

"I can't believe you didn't throw a party this year," Sean said to Maya, being one of the people not content with the plans.

"Don't blame me. It's her who 'Put her foot down'," Maya told Sean, pointing to me.

"Ofcourse I did! Did I want to spend another new year having to clean off some random guy's vomit of off my table? No thank you," I said, defending my decision.

"I thought Maya was cleaning from now on?" Parker asked as he sat besides me and covered both of us with a blanket.

"Yeah right. Once was enough for me," Maya said snorting at her previous attempt at cleaning. While she had done a decent job, she was in no mood to ever do it again.

"Still getting drunk is a way better way to forget what a crappy year this has been," Sean told us.

"What even happened that made it a crappy year?" Parker questioned.

"I am almost failing Communication!" Sean shouted.

"Again, how can you fail communication?" Maya asked.

"Oh shut up!" Sean whined and in response Maya stuck her tongue out.

"You know this could potentially be our last year together," Maya said, looking serious, "but I am glad I made some good friends."

As she said that I felt myself stiffen. I didn't know how long Maya would continue to hold that opinion. Parker, on the other hand, sensing my discomfort, placed a hand on my thigh and squeezed it.

Having him there with me made me feel better. Everything will work out just fine.

"Aw that's nice. Now shut your pie holes, the movie's starting," I said and we started watching.

I placed my hand over Parker's and entagled it, really wishing I could just snuggle into him. Why couldn't we just do normal couple things?

The rest of our night passed with talking and drinking and general buffoonery. Even though it might not have been the way we always spend our new year's eve, it felt nice to end the year with the four people I loved the most.

"Guys, I love you all," I told them, a little wine drunk.

"We love you too you little coke snorting bitch," Sean told me as he got my head in a hug cum headlock. He was a lot wine drunk.

"I love you guys more," Maya exclaimed before she crashed on me and Parker and soon the four of us were in a tight and uncomfortable hug.

As we parted Sean exclaimed, "Guys its the New Year. Wohoo!"

"Happy New Year you filthy animals!"

The next day I met Parker at 11 o'clock. He was supposed to be waiting for me in his car in front of my appartment building. As I stepped down, however, I noticed he was actually standing outside, holding a single red rose.

"Happy New Year Princess," Parker told me handing me the flower, "I know it's only one but I couldn't really give you a bouquet now could I?"

"It's perfect," I told him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. His hands rested on my waist as we separated and I said, "Happy New Year to you too Peter Parker."

Parker grinned a big grin at my action and pulled me in closer to kiss me some more. After that we got in the car and began our journey to our first date.

"What are we doing?" I asked as I played with my rose. I loved it.

"We are going Ice Skating!" Parker exclaimed as he rubbed my thigh. His hands were making me feel amazing.

"You want to go ice skating now?"

"Well when do you want to do it? In the summers?"

"Ha Ha you are so funny. I mean I know you suck at it and it's our first date so I didn't think you would want to look like a fool."

"Now whose trying to be funny?" Parker asked giving me a condescending look, before continuing, "We have known each other for years, first date or not, I have no shame in looking like a fool. I know you enjoy it and I wanted to do something fun."

It was true. I loved Ice skating. It was the only form of sports that I did not suck at.

"You're right. You have made a fool of yourself in front of me a number of times. What's one more!"

Parker and I spend the better half of the day ice skating. Well actually I spend the day ice skating and Parker spend it falling. It was the most fun I had had in a while.

"I so love ice skating," I exclaimed for the third time as we sat down to have lunch.

"I am glad you got a good laugh from my pain, girlfriend," Parker said, stressing the word girlfriend.

"I know you are trying to make a point, but hearing you call me your girlfriend makes me really happy," I genuinely told him, placing my hand on his.

"It makes me happy too. I never thought I would get this chance."

"Me neither. But this reminds me, you have liked me since second year?"

"Oh man! I made Sean promise not to tell you," Parker said, looking embrassed.

"He was just trying to be helpful. And I really find it endearing."

"I am glad. So yeah, I have liked you since second year. I don't know when it happened, but I developed a soft corner for you in our first year of friendship and somehow it turned into something more."

"That's so cute. I am not sure, but I think I too have liked you for sometime now," I told him, telling him something I had been thinking for a while.

"Now I can die a happy man," Parker exclaimed, grinning from side to side.

"Not before you pay the bill!"


Parker dropped me off at around five in the evening. We spend the rest of our time talking and just being together. It made me very happy.

My happiness was clear as I stepped into my appartment and made my way to my room. However, I was just halfway there when Maya stopped me.

"Is something going on between you and Parker?"


I hate ice skating.

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