10. The Room.

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Things went downhill from there on. Parker refused to acknowledge me and I stopped making any more apologies. I knew the damage was too big to be fixed so soon. So I decided the best thing to do was give him space.

Our friends picked up on the tension but neither said anything, especially after Parker shut them down the first time with some choice words.

Returning home from class on a Friday, I changed and settled down to watch some tv, when my phone rang. Hoping against hope that it was Parker, I quickly pulled it up only to see Sean face flashing. I answered the phone as I started flipping the channels.

"Hey where are you?" Sean asked, his voice devoid of any joy.

"I am at home. Everything ok?" I asked. It was hardly ever that Sean wasn't excited.

"No. Can you come over? I need to talk," Sean replied.

"Ofcourse. What's going on though?" I asked as I got up to change.

"I'll tell you once you are here. Just come soon," He said before he hung up on me.

I hurried and rushed to his place, reaching in record 5 minutes. I pressed the doorbell as I caught my breath. I needed to stop running up the stairs. Or even walking, if we were going by my breathlessness.

"Hey," Sean greated me solemnly.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as I hugged him.

He hugged me back, not replying. This worried me as I followed him inside, waiting for a reply. As we walked into his room, the doorbell rang again and he excused himself. Sitting down on his bed, I waited for his arrival when a minute later, Parker was shoved into the room and the door violently closed.

Oh they did not.

"What's going on?" Parker questioned, obviously annoyed at the man handling.

"I don't know. Sean called sounding all sad and asked me to come over," I replied as he started trying the doorknob.

"Guys, open up," Parker said, trying his best to keep his voice levelled.

"Nope," Sean's voice came from the other end. "We are not letting you two out unless you sort whatever this is. It's been two weeks guys, get over it."

Parker sighed at this and moved away from the door, walking towards the bed sitting down. I took his place and replied,"Open up Sean. This isn't a movie."

"Not happening. We have locked the door and it'll open only when you both say sorry to each other. Have fun," Maya replied. Ofcourse she must was involved too.

"Oh come open up," I said banging the door.

"Let it be. They won't budge. They have seen too many god damn movies," Parker told me, taking me by surprise. This was the first time in weeks he had spoken to me.

"So what do you propose we do?" I asked cautiously.

"Well there is a bed," Parker said, making me raise my eyebrows. From not talking to sexual jokes? That took a turn.

"So I am sleeping. You have your phone, you have the Wi-Fi password. Run free," He finished making me frown. Ofcourse he wasn't making any jokes.

Taking the other side of the bed, I did as he suggested and opened my phone. Half an hour of social media surfing later, I kept my phone aside. Parker was asleep, and looked more at peace than I had seen him these past two weeks. He always had a frown around me nowadays.

Thinking about our friends' stupid way to resolve our fight, I realised it was quite an ingenious way, if our fight was as simple as stubbornness to talk. The problem wasn't we had a lot to say; the problem was there was nothing left.

There was nothing I could say to him to make it better, there was nothing he could say to me to make things change. We were stuck with no way forward or back.

Sighing I closed my eyes, resting my head against the headboard, frustated by the complicated mess. A month ago everything was just fine.

"You should not stare at people when they sleep. It is rude," Parker suddenly spoke, surprising me, and making me bang my head against the headboard. Parker let out a small laugh at my pain, making me smile in return. It was nice to hear his laugh again.

"I can't help it if I have natural stalker tendencies," I replied as I massaged my head.

He shook his head, sitting up looking around for his phone. I picked it up and handed it to him, making him raise his eyebrows.

"I didn't open your phone without permission if that's what your wondering," I told him.

"Since when do you need permission to open my phone," Parker answered and I felt myself heart fall. Parker stiffened the moment he realised what he said and before I could even reply, the frown on his face was back.

"Where is Sean?" Parker questioned opening his phone.

"I don't think they are here. I haven't heard anything," I said, making Parker growl.

"What? They can't leave us like this. Without food. We'll starve. What is wrong with them,!" Parker shouted.

"It's only being half an hour Parker," I replied to his dramatics.

"Well princess unlike you I didn't get to have breakfast," He replied, clearly annoyed

"Why didn't you?" I asked, trying to keep whatever little conversation we were having going.

"Kind of hard to when the girl is throwing you out so that her roommate doesn't find out you slept together," Parker replied and I felt my heart shatter. Along with this came an undeniable urge to murder.

"You slept with someone?" I spat out making taking Parker by surprise.

He composed himself a moment later answering, "Yes. Any problems?"

"What happened to wanting to be with me?" I asked, hurt by his answer.

"Oh I don't remember. No wait a minute. You said no," Parker answered getting up.

"Well kudos to you for moving on so quick," I said my anger rising. Even though I knew I was the one in the wrong I couldn't help but feel betrayed.

"Thank you. I have to say you helped a lot by saying no."

"I wasn't the only one who ruined that," I answered, my justification having no backing.

"What you are saying I am just as much at fault? Princess please. I wasn't even allowed an opinion on this," He replied. The urge to murder grew and I picked up a pillow throwing it at him.

"Will you stop that," He answered, his patience waning. "What are you even angry about? You are the one who chose this. You are the who didn't want to ruin any friendships. My feeling didn't even matter to you B. What I felt, what I wanted. You didn't even ask me what I felt towards you. You just thought that it was all sex. All you did was tell me how we cannot be together, how wrong this was. This is all on you," He finished and I felt myself speechless. Somehow all of Parker's anger seemed justified. He was right, not once since this started had I stopped and thought about him.

Before I could say anything, Parker jerked around, opening Sean's cupboard, and throwing his clothes out. A minute later he had a key in his hand, and one mission on his mind. To get out of here.

I saw him opening the door, walking out, heard Sean ask what happened, heard the front door slamming, all the while I could only think one thing.

I am so sorry Parker.


Yeah I used opening someone else's phone as a romantic trope.

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