18. Baby and Pizzas.

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Unlike what I had expected, Parker did not bring up the jealously thing again as we sat down to have coffee. This surprised me as it had practically given him all the reasons to point out how I was being a hypocrite. I tried to figure out why, but ultimately stumbled on to the only explanation; he just didn't care about it anymore. Though the thought caused a peirceing pain in my heart, I sat still with an emotionless face, as I waited for Parker to finish his coffee.

"So now tell me, why did you wake me up at 9?" Parker asked.

"Because you were ignoring me and my plans to hang out," I simply put forth.

"Doesn't feel nice does it?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

"I am sorry. But I was not ignoring you," I lied, before continuing, "But I have been a bad friend these past months. So I am going to make up for it, starting now."

"What is this? You trying to dethrone Sean?" Parker questioned, smiling.

"Something like that," I replied.

"Oh OK. So where do we start?" He asked laughing.

"We are going to breakfast right now. Pizza Planet," I told him and he brightened up.

Pizza Planet was a small diner we had found one morning in our first year after a failed attempt by the four of us to stay up and sober till sunrise. While Parker and I had not been exactly sober, we had been wide awake, and definitely in a better condition than Maya and Sean. So we ditched them and watched the sunrise on our own, deciding to go for some early brealfast after that. And thats how we had stumbled upon the 24/7 diner.

"I know it isn't 5 A.M like the first time, but quite frankly I took a big enough risk coming here to wake you up at nine , I wasn't going to get killed by coming here at five," I told him.

Parker laughed, answering, "I am glad you didn't. I don't think I would have enjoyed the whole charade at five in the morning."

"I am sure I wouldn't have even been invited in at five in the morning," I told him.

"Most probably not," Parker said standing up. "I am going to go get ready now. I have missed those pizzas."

Well that was easy.

Parker took another 30 minutes to get ready before we finally left. We drove in silence for a few minutes, before I put on 'Baby'.

"You still have this song?" Parker asked laughing as I nodded my head, waiting for the chorus to come on. Parker continued laughing as I moved in all the ways possible in my seat. When the chorus hit, we both started singing at the top of our lungs.

"And I was like baby, baby, baby oh
Like baby, baby, baby no
Like baby, baby, baby oh
I thought you'd always be mine (mine)

All the way to the diner I played out our old favourites, one after the other, cheering loudly. We reached Pizza Planet by 11, finding a place in the back.

While the diner wasn't different from any other diner, Parker and I had some great memories here.

"Remember the first time we were here? Sean and Maya was so shit faced," Parker said as we looked over the menu knowing exactly what we were going to get.

"Oh yeah. I have to say neither of them has changed. Though I think Sean has gain more muscles, he was so heavy to carry last time," I remembered.

"Oh you just had to bring him to bed, I had to carry him up the stairs."

"True, but then again, Sean didn't vomit," I returned.

"True true," he replied as we ordered a pizza, some fries and two shakes. "Do you remember the time when we came here on the Sunday?" Parker asked.

"The Sunday? Oh do you mean the day when you were crying hysterically because you didn't save the draft of your assignment?" I asked.

"I thought we were calling it The Sunday?" Parker said, embarrassed.

"The Sunday sounds so boring though."

"It was a 3000 words assignment that I wrote in a day and then it crashed! My computer crashed," Parker exclaimed.

"I know. You were screaming "It crashed, it crashed" when I came in. That was a nice day. We had three tubs of ice cream later that night."

"Ah yes Maya was really angry by that."

"Sean's failed birthday party," I brought up next, "I still can't understand how did the two of us ended up here."

"Oh I do," Parker replied as our food arrived, "Sean decided to ditch us for James, even though James was a liitle bitch, and Maya, well Maya, had something to do."

"Sean was so in love with him though. James was the first guy he actually really loved."

"Yeah but James always broke his heart. You have to remember how he acted just before that birthday."

"Love is love. You don't choose who you love," I replied taking a sip of my milkshake.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Parker said and for a spilt second we both froze. However Parker quickly changed the topic, making my heart sink just a little.

"My most favourite one still is when we came here at midnight."

"The night the guys ditched us to go to the party?" I recalled.

"Yeah. We need better friends. But do you remember the couple who just got married?"

I laughed at the memory of having midnight dinner with the newlyweds, saying, "Ofcourse I do. The lady was the most amazing bride ever. I don't think I would ever have the courage to eat a greesy pizza while in my wedding dress."

"Well to be fair, they already had gotten married so. But do you remember how the groom was so adamant that we were together."

"I know. He wouldn't stop pointing it out every five seconds," I replied, replaying the memory.

It was the month of November, one night second year, when Maya and Sean had ditched us to go to a party. Hungry and bored at home we decided to join them, only to change our minds mid way to come to the diner. As we sat waiting for our food, the doors opened, and in walked in a couple, fresh off their wedding. It was later we got to know they were actually coming from their reception. Pizza Planet was where they had met and coming here seemed like the right thing to do.

"Yeah. I bet if he saw us even now, he would still say that," Parker said.

"Probably. They were a cute couple. I remember the bride telling me how she had been so nervous when she first saw him here. 'It felt as if the whole world had stopped for a second' to quote her."

"The guy was no less. He cried during the ceremony. You remember the pictures," Parker reminded me, laughing.

"Oh yeah. I hope I find such love one day," I said, a small smile on my face.

"And I hope you don't turn him away," Parker replied, his eyes a shade darker.

And I hoped that maybe one day I wouldn't have to.


Did I really use 'Baby' as our protagonists song? Yes, yes I did.

Do I have any regrets? A lot of them.

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