9. Committee Meetings.

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Contrary to what I had hoped, Sean did not leave the topic alone, going as far as to constitute a committee to find my lost man. While this prospect excited Maya, Parker still was annoyed at me three days later and no amount of sorrys and flowers were making him any less mad.

That was what I had on my plate as I entered my house on Tuesday to find Sean, Maya and Parker already present. Sean and Maya were situated on the floor, sitting across from each other around the coffee table, a piece of paper and a pen in each ones hand.
Parker was sitting on the couch, watching the television, and was the only one to acknowledge my entry, moving his head in my direction. I held his eyes for a moment, before he wordlessly turned back.

Leaving the three to be I headed towards my room to change. Coming back with a plate of leftover food from yesterday, I cautiously sat down next to Parker, who seemed unfazed by my presence. Moving my attention to the other two, I asked, "What are you doing?"

"We are making a list of all the people I knew who came to the party that day," Maya replied and I immediately face palmed. These guys were actually serious.

"And I am trying to think of all the people who talked about it but Maya may not remember," Sean added.

"Guys come on. This is riduculous," I said looking at Parker for any help. He however refused to even spare me a glance, eyes glued to the tv.

"Riduculous. Find your true love is not riduculous Doll," Maya exclaimed.

"Don't you people have school work?" Parker suddenly spoke, surprising me. A second ago he didn't seem to be wanting to be helpful at all.

"Eh we'll get to it. This is more fun," Sean answered, not slightest bit worried.

Shaking my head I again attempted to dissuade them, "Come on. There were like 100 people here. No way you can actually find someone. All you have is his abs were nice. What kind of criteria is that?"

"Trust me, that is enough information. You might think that colleges have a lot of washboard abs, but thats where you are wrong. Not even half of them have abs," Maya explained and I felt myself slip deeper into the quicksand.

Before I could say anything more, Sean shushed me going on back to Maya and his "research,". Not knowing what to do, I started eating my food, praying for some miracle.

However unlike movies, my miracle didn't come immediately and Maya and Sean spend another half an hour completing the list, while Parker and I sat in silence. Half an hour later, both Maya and Sean's phones rang, marking the arrival of my long awaited miracle.

Finishing up their conversations both told us that they needed to leave, with Sean having to go over to his sister's house, and Maya to cover a shift for her coworker. Maya worked as a part time waitress in a diner downtown, sometimes helping in the kitchen whenever the rush became too much.

While glad that the search was put on a hold, I wasn't all that overjoyed with the prospect of being alone with Parker. As if reading my mind, Parker excused himself, making up an excuse about having an assignment.

However nervous I might have been though about been alone with him, I didn't want him to feel like he needed to leave because of what was going on. Deciding to put the ridiculousness aside, I asked him to stay.

"You sure? You know we may have to talk," He said, even though he sat down, making himself comfortable.

"Not if you don't want to," I said, making a poor attempt at a joke.

"Oh trust me Princess thats all I want to do," Parker answered, not caring for my sense of humour.

I sighed and spoke up," I am sorry."

"What are you apologizing for exactly?" Parker asked, an eyebrow raised.

"For making you angry?" I said, my voice sounding confused.

"Are you even aware why I am angry?" He sighed.

"Would you like to tell me?" I asked instead.

"Sure why not?" He answered before blowing up on me, "How about we start with the fuck that was on Wednesday? "It meant something to me too?" What was that suppose to mean? And then oh then you say we should talk and suddenly things have changed? What things? You just can't keep messing me up like this."

"I am messing with you? Who is the one kissing my forehead and telling me I am beautiful?" I asked in retaliation.

"I am but god damn you know what I want. But I have no clue about whats going on in that head of yours," He exclaimed standing up.

"How do I know what do you want? I am no mind reader," I returned standing up myself.

"You have got to be kidding me," Parker said to himself, running a hand through his brown hair. "This. This is what I want!" He exclaimed, before closing the distance between us and planting his lips on to mine.

As his lips moved over mine, they took a mind of their own, and replied with just as much passion. His hands moved to the back of my neck, while I rested one hand over his shoulder and other over his heart. It was beating fast. Moving our lips in sync, he deepened the kiss for a minute before withdrawing his lips, resting his forehead onto mine. I could feel his uneven breath on my face and slowly evening out of his heartbeat.

I strangely felt at peace.

"I want you. I want us," Parker spoke, voice barely a whisper. Closing my eyes I savoured the moment, before speaking. "We can't." Two simple words had never caused so much hurt as they did to him as he flinched away from me hands falling to his side.

"Why kiss me back then?" He asked desperation for an answer clear in his voice.

"Parker," I said as I moved towards him, only for him to step back.

"No don't Parker me. I am so confused. What is going on? One moment you kiss me as if your life depends on it and the next you say we can't be together?"

"It's not that easy. You know that," I argued weakly.

"Oh don't I know that. Thats all you have said so far," Parker retaliated.

"Whats the point of this fight anyways Parker. We have slept together once. You can't base a relationship over that."

"You think thats all the reason behind this? What about our friendship? We have been friends since the last three years god dammit."

"And I don't think we should ruin that," I said stepping closer to Parker once again. This time he stood his ground.

"I don't think we should ruin any friendship," I said taking his face in my hands. "This is too precious to ruin over something that might not even work out Parker. We are going our seperate ways in less than a year."

Parker closed his eyes as I finished talking. I waited for him to open his eyes, and when he did his eyes look defeated. He had given up.

"You are right. Let's not be stupid," He said, moving my hands away, and walking out.

This time I knew I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to.

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