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Millie's POV

Daniella's Cafe. It was like a second home to me. Every single day after school, I walked to Daniella's, ordered a vanilla latte with extra whipped cream, and read. It was simply just one of those places where my stress vanished into thin air, immediately after walking through the door.   

I got in line, where two people stood in front of me, and began going through my purse to get cash out. I looked up, immediately recognizing the dark curly hair from earlier at school. 


He quickly turned around and smiled. "Well if it isn't the little book worm," he teased.

He stepped up to the cash register, pulling his wallet out of his pocket. "I'll have a caramel frappuccino, and um," he paused, turning around, "Millie, what do you get?" 

"Oh, um, I get a vanilla latte with extra whipped cream." 

"Alright, just those two things," he smiled at the barista, handing her a $10 bill. 

"Oh, you didn't have to-" 

"Don't worry about it," he said.

We walked out of line to the other side of the counter, where we waited for our drinks. 

"So, is this your first time at Daniella's?" I asked. 

"Sure is, I saw it on my way home so I figured I would try it out," he looked over at me, leaning on the counter, "and you?" 

"Oh, I come here everyday, it's a regular thing for me." 

"Interesting," he nodded.  Both of our drinks were then placed on the counter, and we both reached over to retrieve them.

"Do you wanna sit together?" He asked, gesturing to a table by the window.

"Um, yeah," I smiled, "that'd be nice." 


Finn's POV

I swear it was the way she smiled that drew me in. I've only known her for a day, but her smile made me want more. Her eyes had a certain sparkle in them that pulled me in, as well. She really was gorgeous. 

She took a sip of her vanilla latte, licking the whipped cream off of her lip. "So, Finn, what brings you here all the way from Vancouver?" 

I paused for a moment. "Oh, my dad, uh, he got offered a job here... there wasn't much in Vancouver, anyways." 

She nodded, fully engaged in the conversation. "When did you move here?" 

"Just last week, actually." 

She smiled, and her eyes automatically widened. "So you haven't even seen the city yet?"

"Not really, maybe you could show me around some time?" 

Her cheeks instantly turned pink. "Yeah, yeah, I'd love to," she nodded, taking another sip of her latte. 

It was weird how I already felt a connection with her. We hardly even liked the same things, yet it felt like we were destined to become friends. Listen, I know I sound crazy- but I never really had the opportunity to have a close relationship with any of the girls in Vancouver, but now I finally had the chance. Things got fucked up back home, but I was gonna make sure that it was different here. Millie Brown was my revival. 


It was now Thursday morning, three days since I met Millie. We've been going to Daniella's everyday, and I was definitely starting to have feelings for her- and I knew there was no way of stopping them. 


I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at my lab partner, Caleb, who was staring at me with a solution in his hand. 

"Dude, I said your name like four times." 

"Oh, um, sorry man." 

"What were you thinking about?" He asked, pouring the solution into the beaker. 

"What? Oh, nothing." 

"You're thinking about a girl, aren't you?" He teased.

"No, I was just-"

"Oh! That girl, um," he snapped his fingers, "Millie! That's it. I see you around with her, at lunch and stuff. She seems pretty cool." 

"Yeah, she is," I said. 

"Did you invite her to the party tomorrow?" 

"Um, what party?" 

"You haven't heard about it? My girlfriend, Sadie, she's having a party at her house tomorrow night. You two should definitely come," Caleb said, scribbling something down on the worksheet. 

"Eh, I don't think so, Millie isn't really into stuff like that," I hesitated. 

"C'mon dude, it's worth a shot." 

"Alright, I'll try asking her at lunch," I gave in.

The bell rang, signaling that it was now lunchtime. "Text me with what she says," Caleb said, picking up his backpack.

I quickly made my way to the cafeteria, spotting Millie at our usual table with her nose in a book. 

"Book worm," I greeted her.

"Hey," she looked up, smiling. 

"Okay, just hear me out, okay?" 

She nodded her head, waiting for me to proceed. 

"Okay, so my friend Caleb and his girlfriend are having a party tomorrow and-"

"Oh god," she said quietly. 

"As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me," I laughed as she scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I would love if you would go with me." 

"You know I don't do parties, Finn." 

"C'mon Millie, please? It's the first party of junior year." 

"No way," she shook her head, taking a bite of a French fry. 

"What about Daniella's on me for a week?" I tempted. 


"It'll be fun, Millie. We can leave as soon as you feel uncomfortable."

She looked down for a minute and leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms. "Fine, but I'm counting on that Daniella's bribe, Wolfhard." 

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