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Millie's POV

After Finn went home a couple hours ago to get ready for tonight, I began to freshen up. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and tugged at the edges of my black dress. I played around with my hair until it was just right, and did final touches on my makeup. I didn't do too much because we were gonna be out all night, but I knew I still had to do something. Why was I nervous? It was just Finn. I was comfortable around him, I knew I could be myself around him. But why, tonight, was it so different?

I walked to the front door and peeked out the window, noticing Finn was walking up with his head down, dressed in a gray sweater with black jeans and roses in his hand. I smiled as I opened the door for him.

"Looking good, Wolfhard."

He immediately looked up, then slowly looked me up and down.

"Wow you look," he paused, as if he didn't know if he should say it, "amazing."

I looked down, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"These are for you," Finn said, holding out the small bouquet of roses.

"They're beautiful, Finn, thank you," I took the bouquet from his hands and looked down at them, admiring the beautiful shade of red.

"Ready to go?" He smiled.

We walked down to his car and we both climbed in. Once he started the car, the engine rumbling, he looked over at me.

"So where are we off to first?"

"Well, I was thinking Clementine's for some dinner?"

"Sounds good," he smiled, driving off. I directed him there, and because it was a local restaurant, we were there within a few short minutes.

"Wow," he eyed the restaurant, "this looks nice."

"I used to come here all the time with my mom and dad," I smiled, still looking ahead, "it's my dad and I's favorite place, besides Daniella's, of course."

He stayed silent for a moment, continuing to stare at the quaint building in front of him. "Well, let's do this."

We headed inside and got a table for two. We were lead to a table in the dim room, which was illuminated by string lights neatly hung on the ceiling.

"Here you are," the waitress gestured to the table, a big smile plastered on her face, "can I start you off with something to drink?"

"I'll have a coke, what about you, Mills?"

"I'm fine with water actually, thank you," I smiled at the waitress. She walked away and soon came back with our drinks. After we ordered our food, all we did was talk and make each other laugh.


"Mills, you have to try this," Finn held out his fork in front of me, "it's the best chicken I've ever eaten."

I laughed, taking a bite. My eyes widened as I looked over at him. "How have I not tried this before?" I wiped my mouth with my napkin.

"It's not like you've been coming here for 16 years or anything," he said sarcastically.

"Shut up, Wolfhard."

"Make me."

I threw my napkin at him, causing him to throw it right back at me.

"Here's the check," the young waitress smiled, placing the check on the table, "you guys are cute together."

I looked over at Finn, my cheeks instantly turning red.

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