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Millie's POV

"Mills? Mills, wake up."

I woke up to the sound of my dad's voice and my arm being shaken. I squinted looking over at him, who was already dressed for work.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"8:56, also time for me to leave. I'm not gonna be home until late tonight, but dinner's in the fridge. Sound alright?"

"Mhm," I shut my eyes, shoving my face back into the pillow.

"See you later, kiddo. Call me if you need anything."

"Love you!"

After I heard him get in the car and the sound of the engine slowly fade away, I lifted my head and groaned. My head felt as if I got thrown into a brick wall, and it definitely was not pleasant. I turned my head and looked over at my nightstand, where a cup of water sat, as well as a small piece of paper. I unfolded the piece of paper, which revealed messy handwriting. I closed my eyes so I could readjust my eyesight, then looked back down. The note read, "Happy hangover! (: Drink this, you'll feel better. -Finn"

I let out a small laugh, reaching over for the glass of water. I quickly gulped it down and wiped my mouth on my sleeve. I stood up to go to the bathroom, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door to a smiling Finn, holding a coffee cup from Daniella's.

"Goodmorning, bookworm."

"What are you doing here, Finn?" I asked, trying to keep from smiling.

"I figured you might want some company to help you through your first hangover," he said as he held out the cup in his hand, "vanilla latte with extra whipped cream."

I smiled as I took the cup from his hands. I jokingly rolled my eyes and moved out of the way, gesturing for him to come in.

"I really like your house," Finn said, looking around. It wasn't nice. I lived in a one-story house with old furniture and clutter. We had the ugliest house in town. We had enough money to get a new house, but my dad insisted on saving it for my college fund and such. "It doesn't matter where we live as long as we know you're gonna have a good future," he always said.

"Oh, thank you," I said, running my hand through my hair and taking a sip of the latte.

"So how are you feeling?" He asked, both of us taking a seat on the couch.

"Like I got hit by a bus," I put my drink on the table, then closed my eyes.

"Sounds about right."

Finn's POV

I so badly wanted to talk about last night. Did she even remember it? Considering how much she drank, I'd be surprised if she did. There was nothing more I wanted than for her to remember it, and the amazing feeling that came along with it, but what would I do if she didn't remember? Just forget about it and move on?

"So, um, Millie, about last night..."

"Mhm," she said, her eyes still closed.

"I don't know if you remember, but-"

"What, the kiss?" She smiled, "of course I remember."

I froze, not knowing what to say next.

"Yeah, yeah, um," I stumbled over my words, "I hope it was okay, because I- you know I'd never take advantage of you, Mills."


"And I know you were really drunk but I, um, I liked it, Mills. I really liked it," I paused, looking over at her. I realized she had fallen back asleep, and I didn't wanna wake her up. I quietly stood up, laying a blanket over her, and tip-toed away from the couch.

"Finn?" She mumbled.

Not expecting her to still be awake, I turned my head back towards her. She was curled up in a ball under the blanket, her eyes still closed.


"I liked it too."

I looked down and smiled to myself. "Get some rest, bookworm."
Sophia's POV

"Fuck!" Dane hit the steering wheel, "where the fuck is he?" 

"It's a big city," I said, "he could be anywhere."

"Yes, I fucking know that, Sophia," Dane shouted angrily as I sat in the back seat. 

"Let's just think about this guys," Jaeden said, "he couldn't have bought his own place, that means he's probably living out of his car or some shit."

"Is it even worth it guys? We came all the way from Vancouver and we're probably not even gonna fucking find him," Wyatt said from the back seat. 

"Yes, it's worth it because he could go to the fucking police, and I'm gonna make sure we get to him before he does," Dane said.

"What are you even gonna do when you find him?" Wyatt asked. 

"I guess we'll have to wait and see."


Finn's POV

Millie sat herself up on the couch and fixed the blanket on her lap. "Let's do something tonight," she announced, taking a sip of her lukewarm latte. 

I grinned. "Like what?" 

"I could give you that tour of the city?" She said, looking over at me. 

"I think that sounds like a great plan," I smiled. 

"Then let's do it."

Besides our lunchtime conversations and our Daniella's get-togethers, we hadn't spent much time together outside of those things. I was hoping that last night was the beginning of something great with Millie Brown, and perhaps tonight we'll find out. 


So sorry for the short chapter, guys. But aye, we were introduced to some new characters! Just as a side note:

Sophia is 16, Wyatt and Jaeden are both 17, and Dane is 19 and is the "leader" of the group.

{sorry guys apparently wattpad hates me, so if there's any text that seems out of place please ignore it, thank you guys!}

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