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Finn's POV

Two weeks have passed since that night. That fucking amazing night. Just when I didn't think it was possible, Millie and I have gotten even closer. We were attached at the hip, and nothing could separate us. 

"Hello, bookworm," I greeted Millie at the entrance of the school, kissing her forehead. Caleb stood with his arm around Sadie, and Gaten stood next to them, along with a boy named Noah. I had met Noah a few times during school, but I've never actually hung out with him. 

Millie smiled. "I think it's time for a new nickname, don't you think?" She wrapped her arms around my neck, teasing a kiss but never making contact with my lips. 

"How about my beautiful, beautiful girlfriend," I said as I put my hands on her hips. 

"How about you two shut the fuck up?" Gaten said. We all turned our heads and laughed, knowing Gaten's sense of humor. 

Millie rolled her eyes as she laughed, looking back over at me. "That's a little showy, don't you think?" 

"Good," I whispered, "I want people to know." 

"Oh my fucking God," Gaten groaned, leaning the back of his head on the brick wall behind him. 

"Anyways," Sadie interrupted, chewing her gum, "we were talking about skipping today, you guys in?" She narrowed her eyes at both me and Millie. 

"When would we leave?" I asked.

"Lunch, we'll leave during passing period that way no one will know." 

"I can't," Millie said, shaking her head, "but you guys go."

"Oh c'mon Millie, don't be a buzzkill," Sadie teased.

"I'm not a buzzkill I just- I can't." 

"We're only missing a few classes, Millie," Caleb persuaded, "the worst that happens is that we get caught. Even then, the punishment is small."

"I'm sorry, guys," Millie shook her head once more. 

My arm was wrapped tightly around Millie as I looked over at her. "It'll be alright, Mills. Besides, it's Friday, not much is gonna be happening." 

Millie looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, quickly looking back down at the ground. "Fine," she let out a defeated sigh, "fine, I'll go." 

"Yes!" Sadie cheered.

"Alright," Caleb smiled, patting Millie on the shoulder. 

"Well that was easy," Gaten said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "We'll meet after fifth at the entrance, cool?" He looked around at everyone, waiting for our approval. 

Everyone nodded their heads. At that moment, the school bell rang, and everyone began shuffling inside. Millie continued to stand with her head down, twisting the ring on her finger. 

"Hey," I got close to her, brushing the hair out of her face, "we're gonna have fun, alright? I promise." She anxiously nodded her head in response. 

"Let's go do some geometry," I smiled. I grabbed her hand and walked her inside of the crowded building. 


"Ready to go guys?" Caleb asked, rubbing his hands together and smiling. 

"Yeah, where are we going?" Sadie asked. 

"We could go to my house?" Noah suggested.

"We're actually about to skip school just to go to a house?" 

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