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Millie's POV

It's been one week since everything happened with Dane and the others. I still haven't recovered from it, and I probably won't for a long time. 

I sat in silence, my legs dangling over the edge of the familiar McCormick place. I twisted the stem of a rose that I had found on the way here, reminding me of Finn. I smiled at the thought of him. 

I hesitantly turned to my right, where the boy I hadn't met before was sitting. 

"Well, um, I'm Millie," I said quietly, "and, um, I like to read." 

The boy stared at me with a look of curiosity in his eyes. "Uh, I'm Finn... and I, um, just moved here from Vancouver."

It's funny how just over a month ago I didn't even know he existed, but ended up becoming so much more than just a stranger. I glanced over at the book beside me, dragging my fingers gently over the hard, dark red cover. 

I got in line, where two people stood in front of me, and began going through my purse to get cash out. I looked up, immediately recognizing the dark curly hair from earlier at school. 


He quickly turned around and smiled. "Well if it isn't the little book worm," he teased.

It didn't take long for me to fall in love with him. In fact, it was only in a matter of days. A few days after we met, we kissed. Even though I was drunk, I knew there was something behind that kiss. It was special. 

"So, um, Millie, about last night..."

"Mhm," I said, my eyes still closed.

"I don't know if you remember, but-"

"What, the kiss?" I smiled, "of course I remember."

It all began after that night. That wonderful night. Everything about it was perfect, except for the awful hangover that came with it, of course. But Finn helped me get through it. He helped me feel well enough to even go on a date that night, despite how crappy I was feeling. But, I don't regret any of it. That date was one of the best nights of my life.

"You really are beautiful, Millie Brown," he said quietly. I continued to stare forward, my cheeks instantly turning a dark red as I smiled. 

"This isn't a date, Finn Wolfhard," I smiled. 

"Date or not, you're still the prettiest girl I've seen." 

And one thing I know I'll never forget- the first time we ever said those important three words to each other. Those beautiful, incredible, three little words. It was the day we skipped school along with Sadie, Caleb, Gaten, and Noah. I smiled at the memory of the warm pool, and the way his wet hair laid messily on his head. The way he stared at me intensely.

I ran my hands through his wet hair, and everything around us stopped. It was just us, and nothing else in the world mattered. I broke away with a small smile on my lips and my arms wrapped around his neck. "I love you so much, Finn Wolfhard," I said softly. 

"I love you even more, Millie Brown." 

It didn't take much for him to change my life. He did it in a matter of weeks. I went from having almost nothing, to having everything I could ever ask for. He was the one piece that was missing from my life that I never even realized I was missing. 

"Life is a beautiful thing with you, Finn Wolfhard," I shouted. 

"As with you, Millie Brown," he shouted back. I didn't even have to see him to know that he had his usual, big smile spread across his face. 

I miss him. I miss him more than my heart can handle. The fact that I have to live in a world without Finn Wolfhard is something that my mind can't even process. This has been the hardest week of my life, and it still doesn't feel real. It simply just feels like he went back to Vancouver to visit his parents, and I keep telling myself that he'll be back soon enough. 

But that's just it. He won't be. And it tears me apart. However, I'm trying to remember all of the amazing times I had with Finn, and how much he changed my life for the better. How he made me feel like life had a true purpose. I always told myself he would be the boy that I proudly showed off as we got older. The one I could talk about with a constant smile on my face. I still would show him off. He doesn't need to be here for people to know just how much he impacted my life in the most beautiful way. 

I continued to stare down at the book beside me. I don't know what made me do it, but I opened the cover, revealing the first page. It had always been empty, until something caught my eye in the corner. A handwritten note scribbled down in messy handwriting. My fingers grazed over the familiar writing. I smiled to myself as I read the note to myself, tears forming in my eyes. 

"Dear bookworm, I took this when you weren't looking (: I love you very much! I'll always be by your side, gorgeous. -Finn" He signed with a small heart next to his name, and just under it, was a small drawing of two stick figures holding hands. He drew one with dark curly hair, and the other with a little black dress- the one I had worn on our first date.

A single tear dropped on to the page. He didn't have to be here physically for me to know he would always be by my side. I could feel him here. I could feel him in my heart. He said so many times he would do anything for me, but I never took him literally. That was until he took a bullet for me. 

Life was a beautiful thing with you, Finn Wolfhard.

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