Chapter 1

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It's been five years since the freedom of monsters. As the ambassador, I suggested that we have a dinner party with the others immediately acknowledging, nevertheless, we had to go shopping for the preparation. We decided to text the others to be set for the shopping.

"My child, are you ready?"

"Just a minute, mom!"

"I will wait for you downstairs, then."

Once I was done brushing my hair, I opened the door and ran downstairs. Toriel gasped, "You look gorgeous as always, Frisk. Though, your fashion sense seemed to change." She looked at me suspiciously, flashing me her teasing smile, making my face heat up. 

"Is there anything you are hiding from me? Hmm, my mother senses are tingling." She humorously grinned.

"What?! N-no! I-it's just...I thought I would just change my style for this day." I uttered shyly. Toriel giggled, "I was just joking, Frisk. Come on, Asgore might be waiting for us."

I quietly nodded as she went outside. I let out a sigh of relief.

Who knew hiding a crush could be a problem.


"Hey, dad! We're going with our friends, right?" I asked Asgore.

I wasn't that sure.

"Yes, dear," Asgore responded.

I had the look of victory on my face which made the two giggle.

I peered out the glass and saw Undyne and Alphys' house approaching from the view. We swiftly stopped by their apartment and beckoned them, they entered the car and sat beside me.

"Hey punks, long time no see!" Undyne greeted.

"Y-yeah!" Alphys agreed, nodding a bit.

I waved my hand happily at them with a big smile on my face.

"So, whose house are we going to next?" I questioned.

"Sans and Papyrus... Metatton might be early at the mall." Asgore explained.

When I heard his name, my face lit up.

"Hey punk, that look on your face. Someone's got a crush..." Undyne cooed, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I blushed wildly. "H-how did you know?" I muttered.

"It's kinda obvious." Undyne shrugged, rolling her eyes.

"Don't tell anyone!" I shouted, not minding if they ask what did I mean.

But I was mistaken.

"What?" Each of them asked except for Undyne.

"U-uh." I hesitated as I felt my face heat up with embarrassment.

"You see, Frisk has a crush on Sans," Undyne revealed. Shortly, she sets her finger under her chin and nods as if she was approving my crush on Sans. I kept my mouth shut while bringing my hands to my face to hide my flushed expression.

"Aw, c-come on, Frisk. W-we won't t-tell h-him!" Alphys cheered although she squealed after saying it.

I hesitated but approved anyway.

"Don't tell?"

They all responded in unison.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise, Frisk." They all laughed.

"And here we are!" Toriel exclaimed.

Soon enough, Papyrus and Sans got out of their house. Papyrus was wearing his 'cool dude' shirt, while Sans was wearing his blue jacket, just like the usual.

Asgore had requested me to sit in the backseat of the car with Sans, which means me and Papyrus had switched places.


We all responded "Hello!" and "Hi!" sweetly at the same time.

"'Sup kid, long time no see." Sans smiled at me, bringing his left hand up to salute, and winked at me.

"Yeah..." I smiled, attempting to maintain my cool.

Undyne and Alphys had started their so-called 'shipping mode' with Toriel and Asgore looking completely unbothered by their shenanigans.

'Great, even Toriel and Asgore aren't helping me get out of this stupid shipping situation.'

"Hey kid, are you google?" Sans suddenly asks - awfully loud - causing the others to observe us. Their eyes were filled with anticipation and crystals that made their eyes shine.

A pick-up line...? No thanks but since Sans is the one who's talking. I'll let him.

"Uh, why?" I asked, worried about what the others might think.

"'Cause you have everything I'm searching for." He flirted, a light blue blush tinted on his boney cheeks.

Oh my god! That's so cute!

Does he like me back...?


No. Of course, not.

It's just a pick-up line, and it doesn't mean anything. He doesn't like you. It was just a pick-up line.

I stared at him, I couldn't just blush and sit there. I need to do something that wouldn't be obvious that I like him. Pretty basic, right?

Instead, I tried to hit him in the arm but failed. He just dodged it and chuckled, of course. Great. The others squealed and began whispering.

Oh boy.

We finally reached the mall, I was amazed by the view. "Woah, look at that!" I shouted as I pointed at the fountain, earning a giggle from everyone.

"So... where's Metatton?" I questioned.

"I'm right here, darling~!" Metatton swiftly appeared, almost giving Alphys a heart attack at the sudden response.

"How 'bout girls and boys separate?" Undyne suggested, more like a question.

Everyone approved.


We all had bought the things that we need and decided to stop by the park.

We all walked out of the car and sat in a big circle.

"H-hey guys, w-want to p-play truth or dare?" Alphys suggested.

Not this game. Undyne gives intense dares. Hell, if I chose the word truth. She would probably ask me who's my crush just to expose me.

Nevertheless, I simply nodded as an answer.

"Heck yeah!" Undyne joined.

"I'll join~" Metatton agreed.


Sans stood up and shrugged, "Nah, I'm out." Someone suddenly grabbed his hoodie and pulled him back into the circle as Sans rolled his white pupils.

Toriel and Asgore didn't want to play but we forced them.

"Ok, Papyrus, Truth or dare?" Undyne asked.

"DARE!" Papyrus replied.

"I dare you to not cook your precious spaghetti for this day," Undyne said.

"...THAT WILL DO...?" Papyrus looked like he was about to cry but sat still like a tough cookie.

"Next, Alphys!" Undyne stated as she smirked.

"U-umm... Frisk, truth or d-dare?" Alphys asked me, stuttering.

I didn't want to choose truth because...reasons.

"Dare," I said blankly, so sick of this game.

"O-ok, I dare y-you to desc-scribe w-who you l-like!"

I fucking knew it.

I Love You a Skele-TON (Frans)Where stories live. Discover now