Chapter 6

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Frisk was strolling through the corridor, small hands carrying books, and the faint, soothing sounds of raindrops were the only thing that the brunette could hear. She had some duty to do; she wished the rain would stop when she's finished.

Frisk stood in front of the faculty door, getting ready to greet the teachers. She opened the door, no one was there, except a teacher that told her to bring the books.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." Frisk greeted, dipping her head a little, and gently placed the books on the table. "Thank you, Frisk, you can go home now." Ms. Joy beamed back, patting the brunette's head as if she was a pup.

Frisk nodded and opened the door. She leaned against the door and swiped off the sweat on her temples with her sleeve after closing the door shut. Feeling a familiar vibration coming from her short skirt's pockets, the brunette hastily grabbed her phone from her pouch.

Chara: friiiiiiiisk my lovely sister

Chara: i lost my umbrella

Chara: poor me right? 😢

Of course, you'd say that.

Chara: can i borrow yours? 😙

Oh no. You're not doing shit, Chara.

Frisk: NO! How am I going to get home, then?!

Chara: forgive me. 😢

I can't forgive you if you took it!

Frisk: Don't you fucking dare.

Frisk: ...Thanks a lot

"I guess I have to wait for the rain to stop," The brunette uttered.


I found myself standing by the entrance, having no choice but to walk alone in the rain. But then, the most unexpected person to arrive was there.

Sans stood there, holding an umbrella.

"S-sans?" I faltered, internally scolding myself for sounding weak, surprised by his sudden appearance. "Oh hey, Frisk." Sans winked, causing my face to heat up.

"Why are you here?" I questioned, not trying to seem harsh at my sudden interrogation.

"Chara told me to wait for ya, not much of a bother, though." Sans chuckled, scratching the back of his skull.

"I see..." I whispered, slightly dipping my head.

Chara, you little sh—ining star.

"Ready to walk?"

"I thought we were going to use your shortcut thing?"

"Don't want to get dizzy, do we?" Sans smirked teasingly, his skeletal hand reaching out to mine.

"Yeah, right." I smiled tensely, instinctively clasping his hand in my smaller one.

"Welp, we better get going."

I nodded, letting his tender grip on my hand guide me; it made me feel safe just standing beside him. I deliberately glanced at him, he was looking the opposite way, and if you examine closely, his face was somewhat blue. I felt myself freaking out, "Fuck, I must be dreaming." I uttered, my voice almost imperceptible. Unfortunately, Sans had discerned me in my mini panic state and softly squeezed my palm. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I murmured, squeezing his skeletal hand back for reassurance.

Only if you knew, Frisk.

I Love You a Skele-TON (Frans)Where stories live. Discover now