Chapter 4

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School started about two months ago, Frisk and Chara got in the same class; they felt lucky, though it kind of got irritating for Frisk considering Chara liked to pester her during their lessons. Chara sure as hell loved to complain towards her with Frisk having no choice but to ignore her.

Here's another thing.

Frisk still hasn't confessed her love to Sans. Let's say, it's hard to pretend that you don't like someone even though you do, especially her friends nagging her regarding her nonexistent love life.


"Okay, class. You may have your lunch now." Ms. Ruby stated, smiling at us as she shut her laptop off before leaving the room.

The whole class ran out of the classroom, the ground vibrating hard, which nearly convinced me that an earthquake is a second away from occurring.

"Psst...Frisk...!" Chara called out behind me as I hummed in return. "Aren't you going to the cafeteria?" I questioned, turning around.

Chara let out a smug tone before speaking. "Ha! No need for that." 

"And why is that?"

"Check. This. Out." Chara brought out a heavy sack of what seemed like chocolates, setting it behind her seat.

"...Are those chocolates? You're going to eat all of that in one day?" I winced internally.

"Of course, not, dummy." Chara snickered, throwing a piece of chocolate in her mouth before letting out a satisfied hum. "Ah, you want some?" Chara faced me as I simply nodded.

"Okaaaay," The red-eyed brunette cooed, "Open your mouth, here comes the choo choo train."

"What the fuck."

"Shut up and do it."

I glared hard at her, hesitantly letting my jaw drop. "Good girl," Chara praised me before feeding me a piece of chocolate.

"By the way, how are you going to bring that home?" I questioned, feeling my eyebrows furrow.

"I'll ask Undyne for help, or maybe Sans, aka your boyfriend, will help me," Chara grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestively.

"...Chara, I will end you..."

"No regrets."

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