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Ryland's POV

     Seeing Shane happy made my heart beat faster, but break just as quickly as I knew he was happy.... because of Lily.... not because of me. That last time we had talked, I got mad at him for kissing Lisa while he was in the hospital, when in reality.... I knew it wasn't true. I knew he didn't initiate that kiss. I saw Lisa's hand on his, as it was pressed against her chest. I just didn't want to admit it. After all, Lisa was still my fiancée, and I was in love with her.

     After work, I went back home to find Lisa waiting for me in bed. She was wearing the lingerie I bought her for Valentine's Day, and lit candles all around the house. I went to my living room after hanging my coat up in the closet, and laid down on the couch.

    "Ry?" Lisa called. "Come on, baby.."

    "I'm not feeling well..." I said. "I need to lay down.."

    "Ryland, I put on the lingerie, lit all these candles, and I've been ready for you.... And you're not feeling well?" She asked. "Fine... I'll make you some tea.."

    "No.." I said. "No tea. I just need some sleep..."

    "What's wrong with you anyway?"

    "I just need to be alone... to rest.." I said. "Blow out these candles before one gets knocked over..."


     I must've jinxed myself. As soon as I woke up, I was being wheeled out of my own house on a gurney. I was fading in and out of consciousness, and I heard groaning. It was Lisa.

    "How'd this happen?" A new voice said to a firefighter.

    "Must've had something planned... There were candles lit all over the house, and the girl was found in lingerie.." The man said. "We were called about an hour ago, but the fire took this long to put out.."

    "Where's.... Lisa?" I groaned.

    "What's your name, sir?" An EMT asked.

    "Ryland..." I coughed.

    "Well, Ryland. We're going to get you and your girl to the hospital. Lisa has some serious burns, and you sound like you have some inflammation in your lungs..."

    "Okay.." I coughed again.


    "Ry..." Joslyn ran into my hospital room after doctors allowed her in.

"Jos.. Joslyn..."

"How'd this happen?" She asked a doctor.

"Ryland's house was on fire. He and a girl were caught in the flames. Ryland has some inflammation in his lungs caused by the smoke he inhaled, and second and third degree burns down his arms and legs, a few on his abdomen. Lisa has just as serious burns, but less inflammation. It was as if she ran out, and left him.." The doctor explained to Joslyn.

"May I speak with Ryland alone?" She asked, and the doctors and nurses left.


"It was only an accident.." I said. "I asked her to blow out the candles before one got knocked over. She must've forgot... or I bumped one in my sleep...."

    "That's not the point.." Joslyn said. "She left you to burn... You have worse injuries..."

    "She was scared.." I said, continuing to defend my fiancée. Deep down, I knew I was wrong to defend Lisa time after time, but I was in love.

    "She wanted to be intimate, and you were feeling off. Right?" I nodded. "You said no, and she got upset, right?" I nodded again. "I'm sorry, but if you don't see the clear evidence.... then I don't know what more I can do.."

    "You're trying to tell me she was wanting something bad to happen.." I said. "You're trying to tell me she wanted me either seriously injured, or dead.... getting me out of the way for what?" I asked.

    "She wants to be with Shane, but Shane wants to make you happy!"

    "He's with Lily now. He's happier without me..." I said.

    "He's only trying to move on.... because he saw you were in love with Lisa.." Joslyn said. "He cares about you.. I bet he's on his way right now..."

    "Ryland.." Shane was at the door of my hospital room. "We came as fast as we could.." Lily was with him. "What happened?"

    "I'll let you and Ryland talk... Come on, Lily..." Joslyn took Lily out of the room.

    "What happened?" He asked again.

    "It's a long story..." I said. "You'll have to sit down..."


    "I'm sorry this happened..." Shane said. "I know how much you love her..."

    "Have you seen her yet?" I asked.

    "No.." Shane said. "I just got here, and I came straight to you.. I wasn't going to waste another moment..."

    "But why?" I asked. "Why do you still care? I've been nothing but mean to you..."

    "I still care about you, Ryland.." Shane said, chuckling. "No matter what, I'll still care about you. We've been friends since high school..."

    "Yeah.." I said, smiling. "I remember when we first met..."

    "You were a freshman.... I was a senior..." Shane said. "I was still heavyset.."

    "But I didn't care.." I said. "You were my friend.."

    "Where did things get so stressful?" Shane asked.

    "Puberty.." I said, laughing. Joslyn and Lily came back and stood at the doorway. "Hey girls.."

    "Hey.." Lily said. "Lisa's all medicated.."

    "How is she?" I asked.

    "She's going to be okay.." Joslyn said. "The burns weren't as bad as they thought, and she'll be able to go home tomorrow. You, however, have to stay for a few days...."

    "I assumed.." I said. "Shane and I were just talking about the old times..."

    "High school?" Joslyn asked, and Shane nodded.

    "Right.. You guys knew each other back in school.." Lily said.

    "We grew up together.." Joslyn said. "Me... and the boys... I knew Ryland back in elementary.. Back when things were much simpler.."

"Can you guys send Lisa in?" I asked. "If she can get up..."

"Of course. Do you want to be alone?" Lily asked. I looked at Shane, who was smiling at her.

"Yeah.." I said. "I would."


"Why are you asking me this?" She asked. "Why would I intentionally do something to hurt you? And if I did, why would I get myself hurt?"

"I'm trying to understand how this happened.." I said.

"And you thought I could've done this?" She asked. "Wow.."

"I'm not saying you would've done this intentionally... I'm just asking if it was you... If you forgot to blow out a candle, or knocked one over... or left one near me so I'd knock it over..."

"Ry, I would never do that..." Lisa started crying. "I can't believe you'd think I'd do something like that.."

"I'm sorry, baby.." I said. "Please... Don't cry. The doctors were asking me earlier if I remembered how anything happened, and I don't know.... Do you remember anything?"

"I just remember you... not wanting to have sex with me..." She sniffled. "Are you not into me anymore?"

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