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His hands were still the same after all this time.

The pale, long fingered hands of a musician, though his love for music was frozen beneath this state.

He loved nothing.

He felt nothing.

But her...

Yes, he could still feel emotion once a year at Blackfriars Bridge, though with each passing year it became more difficult.

Especially since he had died, his brother, his partner.

Even now, the wounds had not healed.

Her soft voice murmuring his name broke through the cracks, but even now those cracks were healing, becoming hardened with time.


The human name meant nothing to him now; it was only a reminder of a past he no longer had to be a part of.

A past of silver hair and the deadly yin fen.

A past of love and compassion with all the people loved so dearly.

All of them had moved on, except for him and her; the last two testaments to an age long since forgotten.

When had he last been called Jem?

Oh, it would have to be over eighty years ago now when the young, sickly Shadowhunter they called James Carstairs had taken on the runes of the Silent Brothers.

He remembered so vividly the day he had spoken his last words aloud to the two people he loved more than life itself.

He remembered taking in the sights of their beautiful faces forever before he had to close his eyes, close them and surrender to the darkness that lived in every Silent Brother.

He remembered taking his name, a name which defined him in so many ways.

Brother Zachariah.

Remembered by God.

Remembered by them.


He remembered everything.


But in the end, who would there be to remember him?

Remember: An Infernal Devices FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now