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Nothing really exciting happened we worked we got off and chilled. Sam decided to go home a while ago so now I'm sitting on my bed watching tv. I decide to read until 9:00 then go to sleep cuz school tomorrow, yay! If you couldn't tell that was sarcasm. I wake up to my stupid alarm clock and get dressed I wait for the bus like always and get on sitting on the same seat I always do, but the only difference is this time when Sam got on he sat by me instead of his boyfriend or should I say ex-boyfriend Chris. Sam sits next to me then turns and kisses me making sure Chris sees which he clearly does. He rolls his eyes. I'm guessing Sam noticed because he pulled away and looked at him still smirking. I was blushing because he kissed me like I always do. "Your so adorable Colby" Sam says hugging me. I laugh and say "I know I'm amazing". "I said adorable not amazing" Sam laughs I frown and Sam kisses me again making me no longer frown. I hear Chris groan and I look down frowning again. Sam leans his head on my shoulder and whispers "it's okay he's just jealous that I have the cutest boyfriend in the world". I blush and lean my head on Sam's which is still on my shoulder. School was the same, you know boring, sucky, and stupid. I ran to the bus once the bell dismissed and sat in my usual seat. Sam arrived soon after sitting next to me "hey baby" he said kissing my cheek. I blushed at the fact he called me baby "hey Sam" I smiled. "We should go on a date today" he says looking at me. I shrugged not knowing what I would tell my mom. "I'll handle your mom don't worry" he laughed as I nodded my head quickly. "I'll pick you up at 7 k" he said I nodded again then it was Sam's stop. I waited for my stop then I ran off the bus into the house to get ready. After that I did my homework quickly and waited for Sam. He finally came and I ran downstairs he told my mom we were studying "I know your dating boys" she laughed we both looked at her surprised. "I've seen Sam kiss you Colby and don't think I haven't seen the cuddling on the couch" she said. I bit my lip nervously "go ahead boys" she said pushing us to the door. Sam and I nodded then went in his car. A few minuets later we were at a roller rink. I don't know how to skate" I said to Sam as he opened my door. "I know I'll teach you" he said helping me out of his car. I nodded and we went inside. We got our skates then put them on. He helped me out to the rink "easy don't freak out it will make you fall" he said in a sweet tone. I stayed calm as he told me and we began to skate "see your a natural" he said letting go of my hands. I laughed as I skated on my own. After a bit we ate and decided to go home it was 9 now so hopefully my mom won't be mad. Sam kissed me goodnight then left. I waved him off then opened the door and seen someone I thought was gone. It couldn't have been him though....right? "Hello Colby"

DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN cliff hanger sorry I haven't been updating school has been kicking my butt, but anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter also I wanna start a new book but I don't want 3 books out so I'm gonna finish these two then only have one book being written at a time so I can update more K that's all Adios 😆

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