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She pulled back, shocked.

"What?" he asked her, confused; he thought his plan was pretty good.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, you don't really feel... feelings."

"Does it matter?" he said, before kissing her again.

Yes, it does. Lily thought, but she pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind, and kissed him back. She was bored too, and this was the best she was going to get, or at least that's what she tried to think.

Quickly, kisses moved from lips to necks to bodies. Things were moving fast, but they both didn't care. As much as they denied it, they both craved a different type of attention, one that they hadn't received in years, or at all, for that matter of fact.

So they continued to pursue each other.

Kai was the first to pull back, breathless. He locked eyes with her, his gaze firm. For the first time in a while, he saw the Lily he knew a long time ago. So young and desperate for attention, yet curious and trying to find her own independence. He searched her eyes intently and could tell he'd achieved what he'd set out to.

So he kissed her again, then pulled back. She was back, and he was happy.


"So, what are we?" Lily asked, sitting up.

Kai was smiling idiotically, watching her. She had a certain optimistic glow to her he knew he'd missed. He almost forgot what she'd said.

She furrowed her brows. Was it another one of his tricks? she thought, conflictedly. She thought she'd grown from that, but deep down inside, she knew she was still vulnerable.

"I don't know. Why don't we do what normal people do and 'take it slow'?" Kai said, imitating Lily talking about all the movies she'd watched.

She laughed, "since when were we normal, Mal?"

He sat up too, looking directly in her eyes, "you've got a point there, Lil."

"You haven't called me that in a while," she pondered, standing up, "no one has called me that since I was... well, little."

He caught her as she was walking away by her wrist, and she turned around, facing him. He smirked at her.

"You're little to me."

She raised her eyebrows, giving him that 'really?' look, then just laughed. "Yeah, right, Malachai. I'm little."

He took a step closer to her, "well, you know, you are a year younger than me."

She smiled, "Oh yeah? And that makes all the difference?"

"All the difference." He concurred, looking into her eyes. He kept looking into them, like he had to make sure she was still there, or more importantly, that he was there himself.

She stared back into his eyes too; she was searching back. She could see something different, but didn't feel like now was the time to ask about it.

But he recognised it within himself too. He felt a warm, lifting feeling, but not in his heart, like he'd read about in books, but rather in his chest, like an internal heater that switched on when he looked at her. He found in intriguing, but he had a tiny suspicion he might've been sick, and not, dare he say, crushing on the girl next door.

"So Lil," he began, the feeling creeping up his throat, "you're now my girlfriend."

"Oh?" she asked, "do I get a say in this?" she said, with her eyebrows raised, but a conflicting smile on her face.

Why, Kai? {Kai Parker/The Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now