Chapter 1

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The first time Miley's dad Henry Gilbert beat her she didn't understand what was happening and she was so confused, since she was so young at the time

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The first time Miley's dad Henry Gilbert beat her she didn't understand what was happening and she was so confused, since she was so young at the time. He came home late after work he left her alone for 3 hours and she was only six at the time. When he came home he reeked a terrible stench that burnt her nostrils and made her feel repulsed. Nonetheless Miley ran up to him as she was excited to tell him all about her day like she used to do, she was practically bouncing on her feet speaking inaudibly.

When it happened.

Miley felt a horrible stinging across her cheek, she had no idea what caused it until she looked at her dad as he pushed her to the side. Miley slowly got up and watched her father as he walked into the kitchen and started cooking something on the stove. Her mouth was practically watering considering she was only six and hadn't eaten since snack time at 2 and it was currently 7.

Miley waited patiently so they wouldn't have an episode like before at the door again, which still confused her. When he was done cooking she noticed he only had one bowl set out and he poured most of what was in the pot in the bowl. He then set the very close to empty pot right in front of her and said a gruff, "Eat".​

Miley looked at him and began to whine she wanted more when he did the unthinkable, he grabs the still hot pan and poured its contents on her little leg. Miley could still remember how she began screaming bloody murder at the pain and he ended up punching her so hard she had instantly went unconscious.

Miley woke up to him almost done eating and her still laying on the cold hardwood floor, she let out a whimper as she sat up. She then felt something sticky running from her nose and when she touched the wetness she saw red. "You better never speak a word of this to anyone ever or I will kill you and you also better be quiet when you receive your punishments." He seethed through clenched teeth.

His daughter just gave a tiny nod before going to her bedroom to change out of her now soaked clothes. When she changed she could remember thinking *​​​​Miley this was probably just a one time thing* Little did she know it would be horribly wrong for a long time.


As the years went by the worse Miley's punishment's got, her dad usually kept them in hidden places

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As the years went by the worse Miley's punishment's got, her dad usually kept them in hidden places. She was the outcast at school no one talked to her and she was very fine with that.

Miley didn't know why but it was almost calming to know that no one would get disgusted when they see or hear about what had happened to her. Miley being beat all those years had made her more depressed and self conscious then other girls her age.

People at school didn't bully her at least not to her face that is. But now she did have to worry because her dad got a promotion at work. This was causing them to move to some small town  called Forks in Washington. It has a population less than 1,000-2,000 people. In fact they are moving to the reservation which is even smaller than Forks which is only 5 minutes away.

Miley had a part time job which she used to buy clothes when necessary or food when she got really hungry on the weekends. Her father forbid her from working in Forks, he claimed the house needed work. Except he told her in a much harsher and more physical way.

Ivan Gilbert drove his fancy Mercedes' up to a house that was about medium size and very bland looking. Her father then climbed out of the car silently grabbing only a bit of stuff before going inside, letting out a sigh Miley began to do the same knowing she would get punished other wise.

Miley had to grab the rest of their stuff all by herself as her father drank a beer he had grabbed with some groceries on their way to the new house.

After theyMiley carried most of their belongings inside her father left to go check out his new job leaving her home alone again. She couldn't help but let out a rough sigh as she cleaned the place up and made sure to unbox everything that they owned and setting them around the house. Miley started to cook some chicken when her dad came home ........ Drunk ...... Again.

This wasn't a new routine to her, He has done this since she was six and Miley knew he would find something to bitch about. Which means she would be punished, she just hoped it wasn't with the belt this time she had the first day of school tomorrow to worry about. But was she ever lucky?

"What the fuck is this?....... I come home and dinner isn't done?....... I'm hungry now." He bellowed in pure anger. Miley lowered her gaze and apologised saying it would be done soon but he considered it talking back. "That's it I've had enough of your back talk and lazy ass not doing your chores take your shirt off." He demanded making his daughter want to whimper out. But she knew better then to beg for mercy, the first time he used the belt on her she was 10 and begging him made him give her an extra fifteen lashes.

Each time Miley felt the belt and its buckle hit her back she knew she would be sore during school tomorrow.

He shouted ever curse in the book whipping Miley a total of thirty times, fifteen lashes per punishment. Miley's back was bleeding but by now she knew how to tend to it correctly so it wouldn't get infection.

Miley's dad almost got caught abusing her once when he pushed her down the stairs when she was 12 and broke her leg.

He didn't take her to the doctor and by the next day at school someone noticed her limp making Miley's teacher call the nurse and have her call the girl down.

When she called to ask Henry Gilbert what happened he told her his daughter had simply fallen off her bike right before she got on the bus.

The nurse instantly believed him not even asking his daughter what really happened. Even with Miley's leg broken she was whipped for being too slow at finishing certain chores.

Miley looked at her back in the mirror and slightly winced at the old and fresh marks on her skin. She believed she would never be even considered remotely pretty, people would be revolted just by the sight of her scars.

Miley wouldn't blame them either.

It wasn't easy going to bed with her fresh wounds that night either. Miley had to sleep in a fetal position to not put pressure on her backside.

Laying in bed staring at her bland white walls Miley couldn't help but wish the school year was over already. She didn't know if she could do this treatment for another two years. Miley just hoped her first day was uneventful and quick so she could graduate and get the hell out of that town as soon as possible.

But Miley was never lucky in things she'd hope for.... Maybe for once though it wouldn't be in a negative way.

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