Chapter 10

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Miley p/v

Paul's hint about this date was spot on, it was perfect. As we came to the end of the trail I stopped in my tracks. Twinkling lights hung in the trees, there was a nice picnic set up, Paul started music on a small radio. He stood up  and went over to my side as I looked in wonderment at the setting before me. He looked a little nervous and scared.

Paul: You don't like it ......... We can go do something else if you want? Name anything and we can go do it now.

I slowly shook my head as big smile came to my face, I set a hand on his arm as I turned to look at him. 

Miley: No, this is absolutely amazing, I could never imagine a more perfect date.

Paul: (sigh) You had me worried there

Miley: Sorry this is just so amazing, it took my breathe away

Paul: Well come and eat with me.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the small blanket with the picnic basket on it. I slowly sat down and watched as he pulled a few things out he even had Chocolate strawberries, my favorite desert. We sat and talked as we ate, we mostly talked about Paul and what his life was like, what his favorite things to do are, what his favorite TV show is. When we were all done there was one last chocolate strawberry and he held it out to me. At first I denied it until he made a big deal about it possibly being the best strawberry ever that I would miss out on. I reached out for it but he shooed my hands away and held the strawberry at my mouth. I let out a nervous giggle as i leaned forward and bit into the juicy strawberry and smiled as he took a bite after finishing it off. But that's when the questions started coming.

Paul: Well we've talked enough about me, tell me about yourself.

Miley: Uh ....... Like what

Paul: Favorite color?

Miley: Green

Paul: Birthday

Miley: October 17th 1999

Paul: ........... Can I ask you a personal one?  you don't have to answer if you don't want.

I felt myself tense at what he could possibly ask me that could be so personal, I might not want to answer.

Miley: uh ........ Yeah ...... Sure

Paul: How did your mom die?

There it was, the blow. I felt my eyes slowly water and looked out into the woods away from him. I heard him let out a defeated sigh and could tell he regretted asking. But its not that's its still hard, I've dealt with my feelings through the years. What got to me was the fact this was the first time I had ever had to tell someone what happened to her.

Miley: She got sick ........ I was in first grade at the time ........ It changed my relationship with my dad ....... He ....... Doesn't really like me .......... I'm a constant reminder of my mother ........... He is super strict by he actually used to be the more free willing parent.

I pushed my legs over and over again but the swing refused to move. "DADDY" he came by my side and looked at me in confusion and fear. "What's wrong?" He asked. " I can't get the stupid swing to move'' I felt a big pout form on my lips and he laughed as he started pushing me. He told me how to kick my legs and soon I was doing it all by myself. I looked over my shoulder smiling so much it hurt my face, he returned the same smile.

Paul: Miley?

Miley: Hmmm?

Paul: You kind of zoned out for a second there

Miley: I'm fine I was just thinking about the past

Paul: Well I was just saying there's no way your dad hates you. He probably is strict because he's scared of losing you.

Miley: ......... No Paul, ....... He hates me and he always will. 

It seemed to go oddly quiet and I risked a glance at Paul who's eyebrows were scrunched together as he held his gaze to the ground deep in thought. 

Paul: Miley? Why didn't you have any friends?

Miley: ............ I was the weird girl who's mom died. No one wanted someone with a lot of baggage to be their friend.

Paul: Why do you strongly believe your dad hates you? Did he make it clear to you by......

I knew what he meant he was wondering if my dad had hurt me.

Miley: No

Paul seemed to tense before letting out a sigh

Paul: Okay just don't scare me like that

Miley: Why would that scare you?

Paul: I care a lot about you, and if someone were trying to take you away from me, or were laying a finger on you the wrong way I would end them.

Miley: Well ,....... I care a lot about you too Paul

Paul: You do?

Miley: Yeah

He seemed to smile this gorgeous smile that made my heart skip a beat before his face went blank and he slowly leaned in. I don't know why but my body automatically leaned forward itself and soon my lips were firmly placed on Paul Lahotes. When I pulled away Paul still had his eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar before that smile came back.

Paul: Miley will you dance with me?

Miley: I would love to

He stood up and stuck a hand out to help me stand up as well. He turned the radio up and put his hands on my waist, my hands went to the back of his neck a d instantly with the hair on the back of his head. We talked as we danced and everything felt like a fairytail. We talked and danced for hours, until the night sky started to appear. Time just fly's by with Paul, and I didn't want this night and yet. Paul had the same idea as he laid down on the blanket and motioned me to do the same. I laid down and felt a cold chill, I was wrapped in his arms instantly. Paul was unnaturally warm and I felt myself cuddling more and more into his side. We watched as star after star seemed to appear in the dark night sky. 

But all good tings must come to an end. Paul was driving me to Kim's and I felt my smile drop once we pulled into the driveway. I wasn't going to see Paul till Monday at school and it made me feel oddly sick to my stomachs.

Paul: Why don't you and Kim come to Emily's tomorrow

That one request filled me back up with hope as I turned to him and agreed even though I hadn't asked Kim yet.

Miley: Sure, what time?

Paul: Well my shift ends at noon if you want to come then

Miley: Sounds perfect

He leaned in once again and captured my lips in a firm clasp. I pulled away and jumped down from his truck , which by the way almost ended me falling on my face. I walked into Kim's house and ran up the stairs and was practically bombarded once I walked into her room. 

I told her everything, even when i lied to Paul about my dad. Which also ended in me telling her every terrible thing my father had done to me since my mothers death. She cried for me ....... A lot and that resulted in me crying as well. But this time crying almost seemed to take this heavy feeling off my chest. After all the crying I told her about Emily's and she agreed since Jared apparently also got done at noon. 

I find it strange that both Paul and Jared work the same times, it seemed to convenient. Its also odd since I didn't know either had a job and let alone the same times. But I didn't voice my thoughts to Kim knowing she knew exactly what was happening and wouldn't tell me. Plus I just felt like Paul had to be the one to tell me and only Paul.

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