Chapter 11

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Miley p/v

Waking up this morning, I felt a sense of joy that I had never felt before. I had my first ever date and with an amazing guy named Paul Lahote. I had my first kiss with Paul, I had my first experience of telling someone about my mom. I told Kim about her last night, how pretty she was, how smart and how kind. I know she felt bad that she took her parents for granted, compared to how I live. Because when I got done telling her everything, she went to her parents to talk to them. She even found this recipe/cure that would help with the marks on my back. They wouldn't go away completely, but I didn't want them to, since they were what held my story.

They were the proof that what I experienced is real and maybe it would be something I could tell people to make them see how lucky they were. But the one person I could never imagines reaction, was Paul. In the little time I've known Paul I have realised how much of a hot head he could really be. Sure he lost his temper with other people, but I somehow knew that anger would never be directed at me. But then I started to wonder if Paul would ever hurt me like my dad did. I can't see it but I didn't expect it with my dad either, yet here we are.

I felt Kim stir next to me in the bed and turned my body to face her as she slowly opened her eyes, meeting my intense look. She gave a weak smile before rubbing my arm comfortably.

Kim: Good morning

Miley: Hi, good morning

Kim: We should probably eat breakfast before going to Emily's later

Miley: Yeah

We finally managed to drag our sorry butts out of bed ten minutes later, making our way down to the kitchen. As we were eating I noticed how close Kim and I really got last night after sharing my life story. Kim was my best friend now, there is no denying that, and I think I'm the same to her. She wasn't just being my friend because she felt bad for me, but because she genuinely liked me. Even with this morning going so good, I felt something in the pit of my stomach saying something bad was going to happen ........ A lot of bad things........ All in one day.

Since it was only 10 Kim and I played Wii games together and i found out that I'm actually really competitive, and I heard Kim mumble something that brought a smile to my face. "Just like Paul". Hearing her say that I realised me and Paul do have a lot of things in common. Our humor, stubbornness, competitiveness, and I can lose my temper sometimes, definitely not as bad as Paul though.

When it got to around eleven I decided it was time to change out of my PJs and be ready for Emily's. I finally saw how much Kim wanted to go to Emily's to see Jared when I saw how quick she got ready. She was done before me and was jumping on the balls of her feet with impatience. When I was finally dressed and ready kim dragged me down the stairs and to her tiny car that was waiting in the driveway. The whole ride over to Emily's we were singing Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift, the two most disliked singers who we both happen to like. Kim went on and on about how Jared would get jealous over her celebrity crushes and claimed Paul would probably be a lot worse. But I don't see why women would get upset over a flimsy crush on some celebrity who has no idea you exist. But thinking about it I guess I would be pretty upset if Paul liked someone who was hotter than me too.

When we pulled into Emily's driveway and got out of the car we could hear the boys 'howling' 😉 with laughter and booming voices yelling out at each other. We shared a smile as we walked up the porch steps and knocked on the door, which FYI I have never seen any of the boys do. The door swung open traveling Seth who was playfully glaring us down.

Seth: Hugh Jas........ Really?

Miley: You fell for it didn't you?

For a moment Seth looked a little shocked at my sarcastic response but I could hear the boys laughter. But one laugh seemed to stick out most to me, it was deep, warm and comforting. When I walked around the corner my suspicions were correct as I saw Paul laughing with the others. Once I walked around that corner Paul seemed to stop laughing and just stared at me with a big goofy smile on his face. I could tell my face matched his since everyone fake gaged at our expressions, causing me to blush and slightly I hide my face with my hair. Paul's chest let out a low rumbling noise as he seemed to glare everyone gaging down. Which just brought another smile to my face and especially when he patted his lap as an indication to go sit on his lap. I was finally getting used to how affectionate Paul was towards me. Seeing others peoples relationship's I noticed that ours was weird but in a good way. I noticed it with Jared, Kim and Sam, Emily.

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