Chapter 9

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Miley P/v

To say I woke up pleasantly having the sun stream in on my face as I open my eyes to the sound of birds, is a complete lie. No, I woke up to a pillow hitting me square in the face. I sat up immediately worried that I had slept in and my dad was pissed with me. But when I opened my eyes I realised it wasn't the man who haunted every waking moment of my life, but Kim, my newly found friend. She grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me to the kitchen making me eat breakfast as fast as I could. At first I didn't remember why this day was so important, then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Today was mine and Paul's first ever date. As soon as I realised today's significants I was eating even 10x faster then before, I almost choked a few times but I didn't care since Paul said it was going to be an entire day together. 

When I was done eating Kim pushed me up the stairs and I began to get really queezy in my stomach, with every bad thing that could happen running trough my head. What if Paul see's that I'm a nobody? What if Paul asks me about my family would I beagle to lie about it? What if he doesn't show? And this has all been one sick show for the groups entertainment. Deep down imknew that last one was like .01% possible, but I was just nervous for this date, I couldn't help but think of it.

Kim made my makeup look nice and natural, before puttinmy hair in a nice design. I slowly stood up and looked in the mirror, and I didn't recognize the girl staring back at me. I looked at Kim through the mirror and mustered up my biggest smile, that it hurt my face.

Miley: Kim this is amazing, thank you

Kim: You're already pretty Miley, I just did a little to make it stand out a bit more.

Miley: You know ........ You and Paul just seem to understand me,........ But I'm not pretty Kim, You are the definition of pretty. I define a sack of potatoes left in the rain form a week.

Kim: That is utter rubbish, practically every guy drools in your presence.

Miley: yeah right

Kim: oh whatever just get dressed already

I started laughing as I slowly grabbed the hem of my shirt and raising it over my head taking it off completely, hearing something stopped me. I slowly turned to Kim who looked utterly mortified and was staring right at my back. I felt myself guickly throwing on my outfit while she looked at me with her mouth wide open. When I said I felt queezy before, it was nothing compared to now. It felt like my heart was being stomped on while my lounge's constricted over and over again, making me feel like I couldn't breathe properly.

Kim: What was that?

Miley: Nothing ....... I ...... Just ......

Kim: Miley who could something like that

Miley: ................ Kim I've never told a soul this, and neither can you. Promise me.

Kim: I can't promise that

Miley: Please I've gone through this since my mom died

Kim: You know if Paul finds out he will LITERALLY kill your dad right

Miley: Whjich is why he is never going to know, because you are not going to tell him, or Jared, or any of the boys.

Kim: Why don't you report this and get him thrown away in a jail cell to rot?

Miley: Kim, I'm 17 and have no where to go, I don't have anyone, and I would be left in some foster care system wheren somethin even worse could happen.

Kim: Fine, I promise I won't tell. But anytime this happens I want you to tell me every detail, ok? Because when you turn 18 you are not going to stay with him. You will stay with me and my family, and he is getting thrown in jail. Understand?

Miley: Okay, I understand. Its an agreement then?

Kim: Yup

Miley: I will tell you everything when I come back

Kim: Yes about that, ............ And how the date with him goes

Miley: you got it

After getting finished with my appearance I hear a knock on the door downstairs. Suddenly that feeling in my lounges comes back. I follow Kim down the stairs and open the door to see a very handsome looking Paul.

Paul: You look very beautiful

Miley: (blushing) ......... Thank you, you look very nice as well

Paul: Thanks

We looked deep into each others eyes for a few a minutes, causing Kim to push me out of the front door. Paul put his hand on my back as he ledme to his huge truck. Rather then watch me attempt to jump in, Paul grabs me around my waist and lifts me upninto the passenger seat. I give him a thankful smile and grab my seat belt putting it on. He goes around to his side and hops in and pulling out of Kim's driveway. 

Paul: Are you ready for a busy day?

Miley: Exactly will we be doing on this busy day?

Paul: Nope its a surprise

Miley: Oh come on, tell me.

Paul: No because that ruins the surprise

Miley: Fine but do I he any hints

Paul: ........hmmmmm........ Perfect

Miley: Wow that was a good hint, but maybe next time you should name better facts and details

Paul: oooohhhhh, getting feisty are we?

Miley:(giggling) Please I don't have a mean bone in my body.

Paul: Yeah that's probably just a cover to hide that your actually a psychopath

Miley: oh really if I was a psychopath, then why am I on date with you right now

Paul: to keep it under wrap's

Miley: Yeah that sounds exactly like me.

You know all this talking seemed to take away all of that tension I was once feeling about Paul away. We pulled up onto this trail right next to the beach. I had to get out of this truck, with his help of course, because I suffer a contagious disease called, Short legs syndrome. I'm starting to wonder what is at the end of this trail awaiting for me to arrive.

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