Chapter 18

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Miley p/v

Slowly opening her eyes everything was slightly blurry from sleeping. Miley rubbed her eyes as she now focused on the fact she was in Paul's bed naked. But also alone making her anxiety rise until Paul came walking in with two bowls of cereal.

"I wish I could be like the movies and bring a full breakfast to bed but....I burnt it all" he said with a nervous chuckle. He handed her a bowl as he was only wearing underwear. Miley blushes taking it while securing the blanket to cover her nude chest as she ate. "Do you regret last night?" Paul asked uncertain as he watched his imprint. Furrowing her brows Miley says, "No, why would you think such a mean thing?"

Now he was smirking and chuckling, "well I've already seen EVERY inch of you yet you cover yourself up." He said with emphasis on Every. Miley immediately began blushing before lightly smacking his arm. "I'm just shy you had me worried" she said giggling at him.

"Shy? You started it" he said setting his empty bowl on his dresser beside the bed before looking at her fully. "I have no idea what your talking about" she whisper yelled setting her empty bowl aside as well before covering her head with the blanket. Letting out a soft playful growl Paul easily moved the blanket before he was pinning his imprint down.

"You took me by surprise yesterday

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"You took me by surprise yesterday...... seems only fair I do the same to you" Paul said lovingly before kissing her deeply. The blanket was now around both of them as Paul was about to start caressing her a knock sounded.

"COVER YOURSELVES IM COMING IN!!" A male yelled making Paul cover his imprint immediately before said male came in. Of course in walks Jacob Black making Paul roll his eyes in annoyance. " What do you want Black?" He said unimpressed.

"Sam sent me to come watch Miley while your on Patrol" Jacob said clearly enjoying picking on Paul/ making him miserable. "Can't anyone else do it?" He asked slightly whining and pouting. Which Miley found cute and would give in but Jacob?...... "No, just go I'll watch Miley and you can have her back after you patrol." Jacob said teasing an already frustrated Paul.

Paul growled lowly in warning before sighing. "Fine but getting out for a minute" Paul seethed through clenched teeth. But Jacob just chuckled and left the room fast to avoid any nudity.

"I'll be back around 1, feel free to borrow some of my clothes today if you want as well" Paul said while pulling on jean shorts over his junk. Miley nodded shy that Jacob was listening to them.

"And when I get back.....we start where we left off" Paul said smirking as he walked out, and clearly telling Jacob to wait for me to come out since I'm indecent.

After I was dressed I felt Jakes teasing smile directed at me. "What's so funny?" I asked with a puff as I flipped the channel to Ghost Adventures. "I just find it amusing you took charge of ya know..... your just so timid" Jake said with clear shock, yet clearly easing her in to his taunts. He didn't want to set her off, especially unsure how her past would make her react to his usual sarcasm.

She just shook her head with a soft smile, "I wanted something I went after it.....anyone can do that." She said it like it was simple but really Miley was having an inner monologue with herself.

Was it too sudden?
What if she was bad at it?
Did Paul even wanna do it? Or did he just feel bad and didn't want to embarrass her by saying no?

Miley's heart must have gave her away as Jacob snorted. "Miley you are a very surprising girl" he said now making Miley's eyebrows furrow. "How so?" She asked genuinely confused.

 "How so?" She asked genuinely confused

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"Well you just....aren't like most people. That's not bad either......I think you are a strong girl.....and you seem to be getting stronger by the day." He said it like it was simple making Miley look at him in confusion. " I just mean with what you have gone through in your young be sitting here right now and being more confident and less's astounding." Jacob said shrugging, to him it was simple to say but Miley felt tears prick her eyes.

"Thank you Jacob that's one of the nicest things anyone's said to me

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"Thank you Jacob that's one of the nicest things anyone's said to me......and me getting 'stronger' is because of all you guys." She said clearly emotional. ".....Don't tell me your already pregnant" Jacob said clearly joking making Miley laugh hard with tears that wouldn't fall. "I don't think so.......check back in 9months". Jacob laughed along with her as someone came barging through the door. There stood an upset and glaring Paul Lahote. His eyes were all black and trained on Jacob.

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