Chapter 12

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Miley p/v

After I was checked out I was allowed to leave and go home. But since I didn't have anyone to take me in I ended up being officially adopted by Kim's parents. I asked Kim's parents if I could go stay with Paul that night since he made me feel relaxed and they surprisingly said yes. I think its just because they think I'm fragile and to not make me more upset. Paul seemed nervous for me to be going to his house and I felt just as nervous. This is my first time staying the night at a boys house and I don't think we are going to do anything anyway. He called his dad ahead of time to tell him I was coming over for the night, he told me his dad was really excited to meet me. Which he was, when I walked through the front door clinging to Paul's hand a man walked in and immediately brought me into a hug. It was a little uncomfortable since the only guy to bring me in a real caring embrace was Paul. Paul even started whining in embarrassment, which I found pretty hilarious. His dad finally let me go chuckling a long with me.

Trevor: Hey I'm Paul's dad but you can call me Trevor

Miley: I'm Miley Gilbert, Paul's girlfriend

Trevor: Oh believe me I know, he never shuts up about you

Paul: Daaaddddd!!!

Trevor: Ok ok you two have a good night

He grabbed his car keys off the hook by the door and walked to his car for work. I smiled at Paul who looked embarrassed and gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek. He smirked back before grabbing my hand and leading me down a hall towards his bedroom door. But before I walked in he told me to wait outside and I did, while waiting I heard him throwing things around cursing under his breathe. When he came to get me he was sweating slightly.

Paul: Come in

Miley: Thanks 

I walked passed him and noticed how clean his room was and I knew instantly that before he was just cleaning for me. He walked over to his dresser and grabbed a shirt , tossing it to me.

Miley: Uh thanks, where's the bathroom?

Paul: Across the hall

Miley: Thanks

I walked across the hall and into the bathroom, I took all my damp clothes off except my bra and under wear, slipping on Paul's shirt like a night gown. It came to about mid thigh and as I walked back into Paul's room he stopped putting on Netflix to look me, and when he did his eyes got huge.

Miley: Do I look ok?

Paul: Yeah, you look good in my clothes

I started blushing before noticing how stiff I was standing, so I timidly made my way over to his bed and sat down at the bottom edge. I don't know where Paul exactly wants me sleeping so I'm just gonna wait for him to tell me but I get more confused when he turns the light off and gets under the covers. He sees that I'm not exactly moving or anything so he motions with his hand for me to come up beside him. When I get in next to him, he immediately wraps his arms around me and has me pressed close to his side. He is looking for a movie to watch but doesn't know what to put on and decides to ask me.

Paul: What do you want to watch?

Miley: How about finding dory?

Paul: Really?

Miley: Yeah it's really good

Paul: I don't know anything else?

I think for a minute and remember what Kim told me about Jared getting jealous over her celebrity crushes.

Miley: We could watch Magic Mike with Channing Tatum, you know the stripper movie?

Paul: Finding Dory it is.

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