Chapter 15

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Miley p/v

After school I was waiting by my locker for Paul to come and drive me over to Emily's with him. All the boys kept rambling on and on about how they had so much to tell me in our lack of discussion.

They acted as if I hadn't spoken to them in years, and Seth kept talking about their werewolf abilities like hearing each others thoughts while I wolf form, and stuff.

All the guys left to head to Emily's, but I decided to wait for Paul, who had gotten in trouble for punching that guy earlier. Apparently Paul has to listen to a short speech from the principle about how fighting is wrong and options to avoid physical altercations.

So most of the school hallways remained empty besides the kids staying after for clubs and sports. I decided to sit on the floor and begin our English homework since it's my favorite subject. I even begun doing Paul's homework because I needed him to graduate, I wouldn't tell him until I finished or else he would stop me and refuse to turn it in. But if I finish and "cry" about how much work I put into it maybe then he'd do it.

I was mid sentence of a short paragraph when I noticed a pair of cleared shoes in my peripheral vision, and something casting a shadow blocking my light source. My gaze moved up slowly in confusion, my eyes finding a guy with spiked hair, and wandering eyes standing over me. He was what girls would consider eye candy, but he had nothing on my Paul.

I was confused as to why he was standing there, and wanting something from me. He wore a smirk that seemed to give me a different feeling then Paul's did, it almost made me sick. "Names Cole, Cole Wood and I thought you looked a little lonesome all by yourself over here." He says before plopping down next to me, a little to close for comfort may I add.

"I'm fine, I'm waiting for my boyfriend", I say I'm a shy voice as I look back to the essay I was writing. But bring my knees slightly closer to my chest feeling threatened by this guys close perimeter. "You have a boyfriend? Well guess that's not unexpected since you sure are sexy and beautiful looking, hell I bet you got quite a smile as well. You know under those hideous bruises and all." He said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Don't you have practice for whatever sport you play?" I ask trying to get his lingering eyes off me and outside. I was praying at this point that this would make him leave so I could relax but I was yet again wrong. "Nah lacrosse can wait for such a hot girl such as yourself, so how DID you get those bruises? Your boyfriend do it to you? You like it rough or something? Because I can give it to you harder than he can." He whispers making me shoot up from my sitting position, I tried walking to the office to wait for Paul there.

But judging by Coles face, that wasn't about to happen. "Woah, woah, woah, little princess where on earth do you think your going? Without so much as a name or number?" He seethed walking towards me really fast. I gulped before turning around to begin running when I collided with a wall.

I nearly fell on my butt before an arm reached out catching me.

I knew who's arm it was because the warmth and comfort it made me feel. Making me look up to see a VERY pissed off Paul. Cole wasn't smart on Paul being the boyfriend I was waiting for and came to take my hand, and try and pull me away from Paul's arms.

The shaking was so bad I couldn't believe I missed it as I looked up to see Paul's usual smirk pulled back into a snarl, his normal caring brown eyes turned into a heated glare. His breathing was heavy and growls escaped from his lips. He grabbed my arms firmly yet caring as he moved me behind him. This caused Cole to immediately shrink back away.

He seemed to try and come up with some smart ass comment, but was interrupted by Paul's fist hitting his nose. A loud crunch rang through the hallway and I looked down in shock to see Cole holding a very bloody nose and cursing loudly.

Paul took another step towards him to land another blow, but I quickly jumped into his line of vision. His eyes found mine that were full of fear and he froze in place, I grabbed his hand to drag him away quickly from the scene. Which is not easy when a guy is ripped and 6ft tall, doesn't want to move and wants to beat a guy to death.

But I managed to get him to start walking when I started pouting, and making fake tears come to my eyes as I begged him to come with me. He was practically carrying me to his truck at that point,  he was tense but trying to be reassuring.

Once we start heading down the road I glanced at Paul through the corner of my eye to see his fake relief gone as he clenched the wheel and shot daggers at the road ahead. I let out a nervous sigh causing him to glance at me in worry, before I moved into the middle seat and buckled up.

I took a deep breath before facing Paul with a big beaming smile, staring at him through my lashes. He looked from the road to me 50x times unsure of what I was doing. Slowly and unsure I put my lips to his earlobe slowly kissing it and running my tongue across it,  as I wrapped my hands around his neck.

I get his body tense more, before relaxing into me. I continued my attack as we made our way to emilys. When we pulled in the driveway I gave his ear a few more nibbles before hopping out the truck.

I looked up for the first time seeing Paul's reaction and stifled a laugh at his dazed look. He looked at me with what I now knew as lust filled eyes. He looked uncomfortable walking around to me and I didn't know why until I saw the very noticeable boner he had causing my cheeks to flush red.

I was wide eyed and a smirking Paul sauntered up to me slowly before grabbing me and sucking harshly on my neck. I quickly pushed him away realizing he was trying to leave a noticeable mark, but was too late. He began smiling boastingly in confidence before grabbing my hand and leading me inside.

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