Chapter 16

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I laughed before grabbing his hand and walking inside, everyone was too preoccupied with food but knew we were there ,"so what took-" Quil said before looking at us seeing my hickey and Paul's boner before laughing so hard he fell out of his chair crying.

Everyone else looked to see what was so funny and soon followed after Quils actions and all began 'howling' with laughter.

My face was burning hot with embarrassment and when I looked at Paul he was the opposite and looked both proud and happy, making me smile in the slightest. He looked down at me with a smile before taking Quil's now empty chair with me on his lap as he grabbed three of Emily's homemade muffins, handing me one before scarfing the other two.

When the laughing died down Quil noticed his now vacant seat and started shunning and pouting how there were no more seats left. "You move your feet lose your seat Atera, now go before I chuck this muffin at you" I say dripping with confidence earning funny stares from everyone and Paul chuckling in my ear. Quil however understood perfectly what was happening and instead fake glared me into the eyes as we stared each other down. You know the whole cocking the eyebrow which Btw totally winning and when Quil least expected it I pinched his cheeks like a little old lady to a baby. I even made that dumb voice people use when talking to babies as I said, " awe is whittle Quilly upset that he lost his chair, awe too bad so sad." That earned everyone to once again begin laughing that is until a loud howl called from the woods making everyone freeze before rushing out of the room like mad men.

Everyone except Emily, Kim and I were gone and I looked around at how fast this table had gotten empty in less than a minute. Looking at Kim and Emily they acted like its a natural thing making me really interested in the whole being a shape shifter and its perks.

Man I really should have listened to all Seth's rambling.


It was almost an hour when the boys came back and Paul was outside. The boys said to leave him be and that he was mad. Apparently a Cullen named 'Emmet' had crossed the treaty causing him and Paul to get into it.

Ignoring the packs wishes I walked outside to see a shirtless Paul shaking roughly while looking out into the woods. I smiled sadly before walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his stomach.

He tensed at first from the contact but stopped shaking immediately. "Are you okay?" I asked in a whisper scared he'd been hurt or worse bitten. He sighed before turning around in my arms facing me. "I'm alright just....heated" he said like it was normal and for him it was.

I nodded before smiling up at him, "Well I'm glad your okay, but I was wondering if  I could spend the night again tonight. Sleeping with you makes the nightmares go away" I said whispering the end.

He looked sad before nodding, "of course babe......What are they about?" He asked trying to seem like he didn't already know. But I just looked at him grimly and he just nodded. With my father now behind bars I felt like I should be relieved. But I wasn't, I felt more terrified because now he knows I told.

He wrapped me up in a tight hug making me sigh in relief before we hopped in his truck to his house. I texted Kim where we were going and she said she lie to her parents for me. I almost felt a thrill of rush.I was now one of those high school girls that was sneaking out to see her boyfriend.

Walking into his house his father was excited to see me again. "Miley, so glad your back. Please sit and join us for dinner." He said after finishing hugging me. I was slowly becoming used to hugging people now.

We laughed as we ate as Paul's dad spilled the beans on his sons past. Making Miley laugh like a mad woman and Paul to whine in embarrassment. Bug at the same time he looked at his imprint with love and admiration over her laugh and happy face.

Trevor soon left for work leaving the two teens alone who were finishing up the movie they had all started together. Miley couldn't help but jump into Paul every time something scary happened. This made her believe he had chose this movie for this exact reason. But she wouldn't say that because......she liked it. The way he held her so close.

She noticed he would breath into her hair making smile and giggle. She'd 'try' to pull away saying, "it tickles!" earning him to pull her back up to him and kissing her.
Everything was utter perfection but soon Miley's anxiety would be risen again as their movie was interrupted and a picture of her father appeared on the screen.

Her heart felt like it was out of her chest and her smile now gone. Her face was emotionless as the news reporter stated there was an emergency in La Push.

My father had escaped.

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