Chapter 4: Ahkmenrah's Secret

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Mum and I argued all night about Ahkmenrah, she figured out that I'm completely crushing on him and banned me from seeing him again, she kept banging on about how dangerous she thinks he is, but I argued that she didn't know him, but she wouldn't listen, I looked to dad for assistance but he didn't want to get involved, so it was just me on my own, trying to convince mum that Ahkmenrah isn't the personification of darkness "he isn't normally like that, it was just a moment"

"A moment?! Okay then, what if you're alone with him, and he has another 'moment' and then he hurts you? Hmm? What then?"

"He would never hurt me!"

"How would you know?! The man you think you know is a character, who knows who's really under that costume"

"I know him mum, he's a good man"

"El, when I looked into his eyes in that moment, I saw an old soul, someone who's seen more darkness in his life than you will ever know. I don't trust him!" Looking into peoples souls and seeing them for what they are is one of my mums many talents, but I know that she's wrong about him. Funnily enough, although mum is very good at reading people, she's never been able to tell when I'm lying.

"You're overreacting! You talked to him for about five minutes, you can't judge him based off that!"

"Oh yes I can. You met him on Monday, you met him again today, two days later, so you've spoken to him for what? A few hours maybe?" I couldn't reveal that I saw him again on Tuesday, it wouldn't have helped my defence "that isn't enough time to know him either. He's an actor, he could be anyone"

"No, no I know him, you have to listen to me! Please he isn't..."

"El! I am the parent, you are the child, I don't care how old you are, that man is dangerous and I won't have you going anywhere near him"

After that the argument circled around to Thursday, which is when I'm supposed to meet Ahkmenrah, and that's exactly what she accused me of. She told me that I lied about Rebecca and that I'm going out to see him, which is completely true but I didn't want her to know that. When she sent me away to bed I knew I had to pull out the big guns, right now I'm just waiting for those guns to arrive, luckily for me, busy Rebecca was born a twin.

Mum shouts to dad that someone is knocking at the door and that's when I know she's here, I walk out of my room and wait to see mums face when she sees 'Rebecca'. Dad swings the door open and looks shocked when he sees the blonde haired girl in front of him "uh... honey?"

"Yeah?" Mum walks towards the doorway and slows down when she sees who dad is seeing.

"Hi, I was wondering if El is ready, we're supposed to be going out today" Alice says with a sweet smile.

Mum looks slowly around to me with a straight face, so I just shrug and wait for her answer "she'll be out in a second" she says pleasantly to Alice and then closes the door a little to talk to me "so, you weren't lying?"

I roll my eyes and smirk "would I ever lie to you?" Everyday since I stole my first cookie.

She pulls me into a hug and whispers "sorry" into my ear, which if I'm honest makes me feel really guilty, this is the biggest deception that I've ever played on my family, if they ever found out they'd be so pissed at me "go on, get your shoes on"

"Thank you" I say as I slip them on and run towards the door "don't forget to call me later" I wink as I close the door and walk down the hallway with Alice "oh my god Alice thank you so much!"

"No problem, so where are you sneaking off to anyway?" Alice asks as we make our way to the lobby.

I can tell I'm blushing as I think of my destination "to see a man about a secret"

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