Chapter 7: You Send Me

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(Song attached, you send me by Otis Redding)

Today is Sunday and I ended up having to go to the museum a little later than usual, I had to wait until closing time until I could show up, apparently some people have complained that Ahk isn't at his exhibit much anymore, which... yeah, is kinda my fault. So Larry very politely sent me an email and requested that I come later, at first I was a little peeved, but then I realised that the museum is just trying to make money.

So, today I walk in just as the people are leaving, Larry comes out of nowhere and tells me that Ahkmenrah is in his tomb waiting for me, as well as all that, Larry cannot stop smirking. When I ask him what he's smiling about he tells me it's nothing and tells me again that Ahkmenrah is waiting for me. I guess I have no other choice but to just head upstairs and leave Larry to smirk by himself.

When I arrive upstairs I can instantly tell why Larry had that look on his face, Ahkmenrah's tomb is littered with candles, there are blankets on the floor and 50's style music in the air. My hand sits over my mouth as I gasp at the breathtaking sight before me "I thought it might be warmer than the roof" Ahk comes out from behind one of the pillars, dressed in a white button up shirt and a black jacket, not too stuffy but not too casual, and then there's the part where he looks completely edible.

I want to speak, but my breath has been completely stolen away, he puts out his hand for me to take and I take it, as soon as my skin touches his he pulls me into him and starts to dance, we move from side to side with his hand on my waist, my hand on his shoulder, my other hand in his. I watch as his Jackal guards walk towards the entrance to the tomb and stand in front of it, blocking anybody from interrupting us. I smile softly as I rest my head on Ahk's shoulder, theres only one thing I can think of right now to say, and when I do it comes out in a breathless tone "I love you"

To see his smile I lift my head from his shoulder, he grins and kisses me, his grip on my waist tightening around me to keep me close "I love you too, Celeste" there he goes, using my full name like butter wouldn't melt. After the song ends he guides me to the blankets on the floor, we spend the rest of the night with our bodies entwined, unable to tear ourselves apart. We find ourselves in glorious ecstasy, the world seems to slow down for us, the night feels full of daylight as we create our own sunshine, and for moments it feels like nothing else could ever matter, like we're untouchable.


When Monday arrived I was burdened by the fact that we didn't have many nights left, and mum started to ask me odd questions out of nowhere, like 'have you met anybody nice during your nights out with Rebecca?' And the more I told her no the more she asked, which gave me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. As Tuesday night arrives I realise that I have to tell them, but I need to talk to Ahkmenrah first. So with another Alice ruse I make my way to the museum, making a plan in my head for how I'm going to fix all of this.

Teddy said that I had to conquer my own fears first, before I can conquer theirs, and I realised that my fear is of forever, and what I mean by that is that after we go home there's a chance that I'll never see Ahkmenrah again, and then I'll have to spend forever without him in my life. So I've decided that no matter what, I'll always find ways to be with him, even if it's only for a moment. 

As I arrive at the museum while everybody else is leaving, I notice that all the exhibits look a little less than happy "what's wrong?" Larry looks up at me and so does Ahkmenrah.

"The board know about us" Ahk says "some people tonight kept asking me if I have a woman in my life, some asked about you, and some kept their distance while gossiping with each other"

Larry steps up "I over heard a couple of people saying that it's wrong for a young girl to be dating a robot" but they're wrong, so it shouldn't matter right? "Ahk tried to imply to a few people that he's an actor, but it wasn't scandalous enough for people to talk about" I still don't understand what's so bad, and apparently everyone can see that on my face "El the board have no idea about the tablet, they'll think that this is all bad publicity" oh... okay I get it now.

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