Chapter 6: Night Life

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(Song attached, hell of a night by schoolboy Q, warning this song has swear words in it for those who don't like that)

Alice comes by in the evening and saves me from my parents, she tells me that we'll actually have to meet up sometime soon, which actually sounds quite nice. I arrive at the museum a few minutes after sundown and wonder what Ahkmenrah will have to say about yesterday night. I wave at Larry and Teddy as I walk in and head straight up the stairs, the first thing I see is Ahkmenrah talking to a young couple, so decide to wait until he's done.

It feels like the whole night has gone by when the couple finally leave, I watched Ahkmenrah desperately trying to get away from them, but every time it seemed like he might escape they asked him yet another question "sorry" he says as he hugs me, I know it would be unprofessional to kiss me right now.

"It's fine, who were they?"

"Historians, both of them" geez, that's why it took so long "anyway Celeste I wanted to apologise for last night..."

I put two fingers to his lips to stop him from talking "don't you dare apologise, I understand how hard it must have been for you"

He sighs like he doesn't believe me and takes my fingers into his hand, stroking the tips softly with his thumb "but the way I behaved..."

"Was out of fear. Look, I'd be pretty scared to get in that thing every night too, and that's without the fifty seven years of history in it" and that's a long bloody time.

"Technically it's seventy one years" and that's an even longer bloody time! Why the hell wouldn't they let him out?! The look of shock must be clear on my face as he starts to explain "my tomb was discovered in nineteen thirty eight, I was on display in the Egyptology department of Oxford before I arrived here in nineteen fifty two, everyone thinks it's been fifty seven years, but they're wrong" I can see that he's on the verge of tears so I grab him and pull him into a hug, unable to care about who might be watching.

He buries his head in my hair and we stand like this for a few minutes before an elderly woman at the end of the room clears her throat suggestively, I ignore her as I hold his face and rest my forehead against his "why have you never told me?"

There's a sad smile on his face now, one that I see too often "I didn't want anyone's pity" I'd hate to be a king, or in my case a queen, because you couldn't be vulnerable in front of anyone.

"Oh, my love" I whisper "you've suffered too long" and now because of the tablets reigns on him, he'll always suffer in one way or another.

Slowly he pulls away from my forehead and looks me in the eyes, a happy look on his face for once "my love?" Did I say that out loud? Is it too soon for I love you's? It been 5 days, 5... wonderful days. And though they've been short, I know in my heart that what I feel is love, and that I'll never feel it this deeply for anyone else... perhaps it is too soon, but why wait when I know?

"That's what I said" I bite my lip and start to blush, I can't believe this is happening, this is first time I've ever told a boy that I love him.

His eyes light up and widen "you love me?"

I smile wider than I thought possible and look at my shoes, until he takes my chin and pulls my head up softly to look at him, his eyes fix on mine as if they may never let go, and pull me into our most passionate kiss yet. I can feel everybody staring, but I haven't a care in the world, this moment is ours, they have the honour of sharing it with us. When he eventually pulls away he keeps his eye contact and grins "I love you too"

I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him again, this time he picks me up and spins us around the floor. I giggle into his mouth and wait to pull away until he puts me down, which he doesn't do for a while. When he does I grab his hand and drag him out of the exhibit. We spend the rest of the evening dancing around the empty planetarium, which is under reconstruction. I had intended to stay with him until sunrise, to make sure he went down okay, but a phone call from mum made sure I went home early, she said she didn't want me to stay out too late, and I couldn't really argue.

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