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God I cried when I wrote that last chapter 😂 I added some references to some of Rami Malek's other roles, like Webb Porter from Alcatraz (the violin), Finn from Need For Speed (I mentioned colourful stripy socks in the last chapter😉), and especially Elliot Alderson from Mr Robot, there are loads of Easter eggs about him in the story. Like the black hoodie, I even named Celeste's father Elliot.

Well anyway, I really liked writing this story, I tried my best to keep it PG-13 considering it is based off of a family film. However I did insinuate that certain things were happening without actually saying it out loud.

I'd have liked to have written more but I think there's only so much you can do with a character who's confined to a museum and one part of the day. Also, I hope my cliffhanger doesn't make you want to kill me, but I just loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove cliffhangers and written ways of torturing people ;)

So, I hope you all liked this story and enjoyed it, until next time!

Always~ Lokimakerofmischief

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