author's note

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{A/N: Anorexia is a sensitive topic for many people, and hopefully I can do it some justice with this story. The first few chapters are a little slow pace, but it leads up to an interesting plot and I don't think you'll be disappointed.}


[Don’t you think that it’s boring how people talk?]

Anorexia Nervosa [nur-voh-suh]: An eating disorder characterized by pathological fear of becoming fat, distorted body image, excessive dieting, and emaciation.


“Getting chubby there boy.”

“Slow down, porky.”

“Maybe you should cut down on the sweets.”

“A boy shouldn’t have love-handles.”

“Stop being such a faggot and join a sport!”

“I could probably fit into your jeans!”

Zayn’s father would always make snide remarks like these. When he was a little kid, the boy loved to eat. Whatever was on the plate that you set down in front of him, he’d chow down. He was a little thick, but nothing out of the ordinary.

In middle school, Zayn started loosing his appetite, believing his father’s insults, and the boys that would pick on him for being a little chunky found making fun of Zayn for being gay amusing, didn’t help either.

By high school, the boy was skin and bones; the teasing minimized, but it never went away. Zayn believed he was finally almost thin enough for his father’s liking; however, he barely ate and kept it to a minimal in fear he'd go back to his old ways. Will he ever “EAT” properly?


This story is boyxboy, so if you don’t enjoy that kinda stuff, then don’t read it. Simple as that.





Thank you.


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