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[All my life, Ive been fighting a war. I cant talk, to you or your friends. Its not only you. My heart jumps around when I'm alluded to; this will not do]


Liam places his stubble covered chin on his palm, adjusting his position till it's comfortable while listening to his friends converse. He can't seem to take interest in interacting with his comrades, so he instead picks up his plastic spoon and digs around in his food.

A smile spreads across Liam's face while mixing his corn with his mash potatoes. He remember as a child always planting pieces of corn in his mash potatoes, then using his fork to plow the corn like crops, his utensil a garden hoes replica.

Liam gets too into the enjoyment when his tray smacks the table, making a loud thud, turning his friend's attention towards him.

"You okay there mate?" asks Harry amused.

"Yeah, I'm fine," replies Liam.

"If you're gonna just play with your food Li, you might as well feed it to Niall. The boys got the stomach of a goat," teases Louis.

Liam chuckles and uses his hand to cover his perfect pearly whites. Niall rolls his eyes while lending out his hand. Liam notices this and hands Niall his spoon, along with sliding the tray over. Liam clasped his hands like the well-mannered boy he was and tried to concentrate on his friend's ridiculous conversation.

"Did you hear about Josh Devine's party tonight? We so have to go! It's a must!" blabbers Louis while making over-the-top hand gestures and facial expressions.

Harry patted Louis back while smirking. "Okay okay. We'll go, no need to get all excited."

"Who ever said Harry makes decisions for me? I never agreed to anything," counters Niall, his voice muffled from the food inside his mouth.

"Why wouldn"t you wanna go Ni? Josh Devine is gonna be there," teases Liam, joining in on the 'group up on Niall' thing going on.

Niall glares back at Liam while slapping his shoulder. "Shut up. Stop double-teaming me."

"Louis knows a lot about being double-teamed if you know what I mean," taunts Harry while giving a little wink to Louis.

"Shut up you wanker!" snaps back Louis, realizing Harry's sexual remark.

Liam coos at Louis' comeback before sighing. "I really don't wanna go to the party. It'll be boring."

"Come on mate, sure it'll be fun, yeah?" says Harry, trying to convince him.

"How? You and Louis are probably gonna get super drunk and go down on each other-" Louis blushes while Liam continued, "and Niall's all gaga over Josh. I'm sure he has a bag of roofies and binoculars ready-"

"-What do you think I am? A stalker for god's sake?!" exclaims Niall while crossing his arms.

Harry shrugs. "Could be."

Liam coughs. "Ahem! Like I was saying, you guys are gonna be all busy while I'll probably end up sitting in a corner while everyone snogs each other on the dance floor."

Louis takes a bite of his granola bar, moving the food to one side of his cheek so some words could eacape. "Then invite someone to come with."

Liam furrows an eyebrow. "Who?"

"I don't know. We can't be the only people you know in the whole damn school," clarifies Louis.

Liam wrinkles his nose while trying to avoid everyone's gaze. A blood red jam color crawled down his neck in embarrassment. He really didn't know anyone else.

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