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[And I don't care if I don't look pretty. Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking]


He walked in expecting to see blood spots everywhere and a few broken bones, but instead it was the complete opposite. Zayn walked into his room and saw Louis and Liam on one side of his bed and Ashton and Luke on the other talking to each other. They all turn their attention to Zayn who just entered his room and they smile. Something about Zayn always made them happy even though he seemed like one of the most broken down people you'd meet.

"Well it's about time! I thought you died or something!" exclaimed Louis with an exaggerated face.

Zayn puts his hands behind his back and rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet while avoiding eye contact with Luke and Liam. "Yeah," is all he's able to muster up in a mumble of words.

"Well come sit down, princess," insists Luke while patting down a spot next to himself.

Zayn sits down next to Luke and Liam just makes a confused face. "Princess?" he asks.

"Yeah, it's a nickname I gave him. That's what friends do, no?" replies Luke with the cockiest look while wrapping an arm over Zayn's shoulders.

Liam was turner redder than the shirt he had on, and he was obviously trying to hide his jealousy, but it was just so hard. He hated how confident Luke was, and he would give anything to punch that smirk off his face.

"Well yeah, I guess, but he's not a girl?" challenges Liam.

"That may be-" starts Luke who's looking down at Zayn, "-but he's pretty like one."

Liam stays quiet. Zayn was on the rather feminine side; however, Liam still found it strange that Luke would give him a nickname like that.

Louis smacks his lips together until they make a popping noise to break the awkward silence. "Well, what should we do since we're obviously all hitting it off to such a great start," he says sarcastically.

"I think Zayn should chose since it's his room," suggests Ashton with the warmest smile that never meant any harm.

They all look at Zayn again, and he just chokes up. He didn't really know what to say because he was as boring as they come and he wasn't fun or uplifting like someone like Louis. "Um..." He bites his lip and looks around his room for something to do, "How about truth or dare?"

"Ooh! Fun!" shouts Louis while clapping his hands. "And before any of you even think about it, I will not do any dares that involve me deep throating. My slut phase is long over," he huffs while crossing his arms.

"Could've fooled me," mutters Liam who gets smacked upside the head from Louis.

Luke coughs, "Well then, lets get started shall we?"

They all sit crisscross-applesauce on Zayn's bed in a circle and looked like a bunch of middle school girls at a sleepover. "Who wants to go first?" asks Ashton with an eyebrow about as 'straight' as Elton John.

"Me!" demands Louis with his hand held high in the air like the nerd in math class. Ashton nods signaling that it's okay for Louis to go first, and the sapphire-eyed bloke then contemplates what he wants to do.

After Louis finally decides, he looks at Liam as his victim. "Okay LiLi, truth or dare?"

"Hmm, I feel either way I'd be fucked. How about... truth."

"Okay. Do you have any feelings for anyone in this room? Be truthful," says Louis.

That just made Liam's heart sink to the bottom of his stomach like a heavy weight. He had feelings for both Louis and Zayn, and just wow. This wasn't the truth he was expecting. "Um, do we have to say who it is?"

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